4 Zodiacs Who Need To Let Go In Order To Move Forward On October 30
Taurus needs to let go of their sadness and disappointment in order to move forward today. Only when you stop refusing to live in reality and leave behind the version of your life that is built on expectations will you find true happiness and satisfaction. You’re wasting precious time and energy trying to turn back the hands of time and undo the things that didn’t go according to plan, instead of figuring out the best way forward under the current conditions. The dreams we have for ourselves can sometimes trap us and cloud our vision, so much so that we can’t see the version of ourselves that is right in front of us, waiting for us to walk right into it. You just have to be willing to take that first step.
Aquarius needs to let go of the part of themselves that is terrified of disappointing anyone in order to move forward today. You’ve been holding yourself to this impossible standard and finally need to open your eyes to the fact that there is no one thing you can do or say that will satisfy everyone’s needs. Your moral compass has the right intentions, but just needs a little fine tuning. It’s okay to bear the burden of criticism when you’re doing the right thing. Someone, somewhere is going to have a different idea of what ‘the right thing’ is, and they are going to feel compelled to tell you that you are wrong. It doesn’t mean you are. It doesn’t mean you weren’t thoughtful and intentional, it just means that someone disagrees, and someone always will.
Gemini, you need to let go of that need to compare yourself to everyone all of the time. It doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing, how they are doing it, when they are doing it, or why they are doing it. Whether it was before you or after you or totally different from whatever you chose to do. You need to find confidence by taking responsibility for your actions. You are the one in the driver’s seat of your life, and you need to be looking out the windshield and focused on the road instead of trying to take in the scenery. Someone else’s happiness doesn’t take away from your own, and someone else’s hurt isn’t an omen that you’re destined for the same.
Leo needs to let go of their default to deference. Their habit of letting others’ wants and needs supersede their own. There is such a thing as too much ‘going with the flow.’ If you always let someone else plan the vacation, make the reservation, or pick the movie, you will never get to experience the things that you feel passionate about. You will coast through a mediocre existence based solely on what others choose for you. You surrender your agency and your individuality. I know you’re worried that others won’t stay by your side if you do, but at some point you have to realize it’s more important to get where you want to be than to be surrounded by the people who happen to be where you are.