4 Zodiacs Who Need To Splurge On Themselves This Month


Ruled by Venus and connected to earthly pleasure, you find great peace in living a refined and beautiful life, Taurus. Over time, you may have learned to neglect or negate your heart’s deepest expression. This month, take time to reflect back on personal values and aspirations. Splurge on what sets you up for success — whether that touches on relationships, career goals, self-care, or personal embodiment.


Your attention tends to drift externally, Scorpio. You’re prone to hyper-fixating on what’s going on in everyone else’s life rather than caring for your own. Part of your healing work is learning to allow beliefs that reinforce what’s possible and desired internally. Treating yourself — decorating your environment, eating well, caring for your hobbies, presenting yourself in a way that allows you to feel beautiful, confident, and empowered — is tangible and energetic self-care that places you in deeper alignment with your truest nature.


You thrive when engaged in self-development work, Sagittarius. This month, allow yourself the opportunity to splurge on experiences and opportunities that take your passion to the next level. Perhaps there’s a workout membership you’ve been eyeing after, a series of books on your must-read list, a trip you’ve been dying to take. Only you know what your heart and soul are feasting for.


A sign known for being a tremendously high achiever, you may prioritize tasks of daily living over celebrating the process, Capricorn. This month, allow yourself the opportunity to bring balance by embracing simple pleasures. Treat yourself to lunch, touch up your kitchen, invest in memories with friends. As you learn to embrace simple pleasures and celebrate the beauty of everyday living, the natural gift of your integrity-filled personality blossoms with meaning.