4 Zodiacs Who See The Most Self-Growth When They’re Single
Megan Ruth / Thought Catalog Agency

4 Zodiacs Who See The Most Self-Growth When They’re Single

Being single isn’t inherently a bad thing. It can be a beautiful thing, whether you’re choosing to be on your own because it’s what you prefer or whether you intend to settle down sometime soon but haven’t found the right person yet. Here are the zodiacs who tend to see the most self-growth during the periods when they’re single:


Cancer, so much of your time is spent worrying about how your loved ones are doing. But when you’re single, you have a chance to focus on yourself for a change. You have the opportunity to think about what would make you happy and how you can improve your own life instead of working to improve the people around you. When you’re single, you have the freedom to make your own choices instead of feeling pressured to do what your person wants or what would make them the happiest. The only person you have to worry about is you which is exactly what you need since you’re usually such a people-pleaser.


Taurus, when you enter a relationship, you get pretty attached to your person. You treat them like an equal, a teammate, so you’re always taking their opinion into consideration. Which is a healthy thing. But when you’re single, you have the chance to think about what you really want, when no one else is there to change your mind or talk you out of your ideas. When you’re single, you get to figure out what makes the most sense for you. You will learn a ton about yourself when you’re unattached, as long as you aren’t letting someone else — like your parents or your friends — influence you too heavily. Their opinions matter, but they don’t get to make choices for you. You get to make your own.


Libra, you’re in love with the idea of love, so there’s usually someone who has caught your eye even when you’re not in a relationship. But during those moments when you aren’t interested in anyone, when you’re really on your own, you are able to learn a ton. After all, those are the moments when you get to live more selfishly. Usually you’re always thinking of the way your behaviors are going to impact others because you want to spread joy and kindness everywhere you go. But when you’re single, you have a rare opportunity to forget what others expect from you and do what you want to do deep down. You get to listen to what your heart wants instead of thinking about the hearts around you. And that can lead to some pretty big revelations.


Some people might mistake you for being self-centered, but that’s far from the truth. In relationships, you care deeply about what your person wants. You’re always trying to make them smile and laugh and enjoy the relationship. After all, you want to be the best partner possible, so you’ll do whatever it takes to attain that title. But when you’re alone, you can care more about impressing yourself. About making yourself proud instead of trying to impress the people around you. You learn a lot when you’re on your own because you can dedicate some real time to self-growth. And whatever you set your mind to, you excel at.