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4 Zodiacs Who Should Listen To Their Friends’ Advice This Weekend (April 7 – 9)

Some of us go to our friends with our problems on the regular and listen to their sage advice. (I’m looking at you, Libra.) After all, our inner circles know how we tick and might have noticed the emotional pitfalls we always seem to fall into. The following four zodiac signs aren’t good at listening to their friends’ advice, but they totally should this weekend.


It’s not that you don’t go to your friends with your problems. You feel comfortable telling them what’s making you sad, mad, or despondent at any given moment. You might even ask for their advice, getting a new perspective on a situation that’s been plaguing you. The problem starts when you seem to avoid the advice at all costs. It’s like you acknowledge what your friends have to say and then immediately forget all their great points. No matter what they say, you end up doing what you wanted to do anyway. This weekend, your assignment is to actually go along with the advice for once. You might just have amazing results.


You think you have everything under control. If a friend tries to give you advice, you’ll listen politely and tell them you’ll consider it, but you know you’ll do no such thing. After all, how could they know better when you’re the one who’s been analyzing and re-analyzing the situation for what feels like forever? Truth is, even you have blind spots when it comes to your own life. Give your friends some credit. You chose them as your inner circle for a reason. This weekend, instead of getting defensive when a friend offers advice, follow along. At the very least, it’ll be a fun bonding session.


Even worse than thinking your friends’ advice is trash is realizing they have good points but still never following through. That’s you, Capricorn. You know they’re right when they tell you to relax, to take a day off, to not stress about all the little things. And yet? There you are doing all the things they told you not to do. The problem isn’t your friends, or even your own desires. You’re just stuck in a rut that’s especially hard to climb out of. If you can, let yourself take the advice you’ve known you should follow all along.


You’re usually the friend giving all the advice. Your friends know they can come to you whenever something’s going wrong in their lives. You uplift them, tell them you’re absolute treasures, and give advice if they ask for it. And you’re great at it! Unfortunately, you’re not great when the scenario flips. You’re a lot less comfortable taking the advice they give you. Is it hypocritical? Maybe. You just like the dynamic as it is. I’ll tell you this: Your friends would be a lot happier if they could do for you what you’re always doing for them. So, this weekend do just that. Actually listen to their advice and opinions.