4 Zodiacs Who Struggle To Believe They're Worth Loving

4 Zodiacs Who Struggle To Believe They’re Worth Loving

You are deserving of a spectacular, all-encompassing love. But sometimes, it’s hard to accept that fact. It’s easier to treat yourself like a punching bag and focus on your flaws instead of all the beautiful things you bring to the table. Here are some zodiacs who have trouble believing they’re worth loving, even though they deserve the world and shouldn’t settle for less:


Taurus, you have trouble seeing your own worth. Even though you have so much to offer, you’re always focused on the things that you’ve done wrong, the mistakes you’ve made, the ways you could have done better. Since you’re so focused on your flaws, you assume everyone else is too. You assume that they see you the same way you see yourself. But you need to start looking at yourself the way you look at others. You would never focus on your friends’ faults and failures because you know they’re more than their worst moments. So give yourself the same grace. Extend kindness to yourself because you deserve to feel lovable.


Cancer, you have trouble enjoying a good thing. Even when you’ve found someone who treats you right and loves you unconditionally, you’re always worried that they’re lying to you. Or that they’re going to see something within you soon and change their mind. You’re terrified of getting abandoned out of the blue because you have trouble accepting that anyone would want to be with you over everyone else in the world. But of course they would want you! You need to start dedicating more time to learning self-love and self-compassion because you deserve to feel loved. Not just by your person. But by the person in the mirror too.


Gemini, you have trouble believing you’re worth loving, which is why you’re so skeptical whenever someone shows interest in dating you. You always think it’s too good to be true and end up sabotaging the relationship before it really gets going. You need to start seeing the beauty within yourself so that you are able to accept the love you’re given in the future. You don’t necessarily have to love yourself before anyone else can love you. But if you keep thinking so low of yourself, you could cause problems where none exist. You could assume someone isn’t all that interested in you even when you’re the only one they want.


Virgo, you have trouble believing you’re worth loving because people from your past have fooled you into believing this. You have convinced yourself that you must have done something wrong because why else would they have hurt you so badly? Why else would they have walked away? You’re allowing your history to mess with your present. Moving forward, you need to remember you did nothing to deserve the horrible ways you were treated in the past. You are lovable, even if others weren’t able to see this themselves. Their opinion means nothing. You are valuable. You are lovable. You are going to find someone who understands that eventually.