4 Zodiacs Who Struggle To Express When They’re Unhappy In Relationships
It’s not always easy to speak up in a relationship. It can be uncomfortable to share your thoughts, even with your favorite person — but keeping quiet could pull you further apart. You can’t be shy about what you want and how you feel. Here are the zodiacs who struggle to express when they’re unhappy in the relationship:
Cancers won’t always come out and say that they’re unhappy in the relationship. They won’t want to disturb the peace and cause conflict, so they will keep their problems to themselves. Which can cause even more trouble in the relationship because their partner won’t know what they’re doing wrong. If this sign wants to maintain a healthy relationship, they can’t be so subtle about their feelings. They can’t hint at what’s wrong without coming out and saying it. They need to understand that their thoughts matter. Their comfort matters. They deserve to speak up, and if their partner isn’t willing to put effort into coming to compromises or fixing the situation, then they will know they’re better off apart.
Sagittarius never want to bring down the mood. They are always trying to keep the vibes fun, the atmosphere light. Unfortunately, in order to do this, they have to tell little white lies from time to time. They have to pretend they’re perfectly fine with situations in order to ‘keep the peace.’ But they have to ask themselves, is the relationship really that peaceful if they are feeling uncomfortable? Bringing up their problems won’t cause issues. The issues already exist. Bringing them to the surface isn’t an unkindness. It’s actually a way to bring you closer together. If you’re right for each other, then you’ll work on what’s wrong. You’ll help each other feel more comfortable. Or you’ll realize that you’re better off apart.
Capricorns are always thinking about the most logical decision. They hate being ruled by their emotions, which is why they’ll commonly talk themselves out of feeling upset. They’ll convince themselves that they’re overreacting, that there’s no reason to share how they’re feeling because it’s only going to cause more of a problem. But this sign needs to realize their feelings aren’t an inconvenience. Their feelings are telling them something important. If they’re uncomfortable or upset, they need to say the words. They are all about loyalty, so why would they intentionally keep secrets from their partner? They might think their silence is saving the relationship, when really, it could be slowly destroying it. Besides, they deserve to be with someone who takes their emotions seriously. Someone who will be there to support and comfort them.
Instead of admitting when they’re unhappy, this sign will retreat. They’ll grow quiet and distant because they want to avoid the issue. They want to pretend everything is perfectly fine. But this type of avoidant behavior will only push their person away. It will cause questions and concerns. It’s much better for them to be straightforward about what they want and how they’re feeling. It’s better for them to be honest with what they want, whether they’re discussing this with their partner or with themselves inside their own head. Even though it’s tempting to pretend everything is fine, they need to be more honest, regardless of whether it hurts.