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4 Zodiacs Who Will Always Tell You The Hard Truth

Some zodiacs tell little white lies in order to spare feelings – or get away with doing something wrong. Other zodiacs are more honest and upfront about their opinions. They don’t hold back how they really feel. Here are a few zodiacs who will tell you hard truths, even when it hurts:  


This sign tells it like it is. They aren’t going to sugarcoat the truth to make you feel better because they believe it’s better to know the awful reality than believe a beautiful lie. They will blurt out exactly what they’re thinking without running it through a filter first. Sometimes, they might end up hurting your feelings because they are impulsive and don’t think through the consequences of their actions. They’re also fearless, so they don’t mind calling someone out about the things they said behind your back – or the things you’ve said behind someone else’s back.


This sign is brutally honest about their thoughts and opinions. They cannot stand liars and would rather speak the truth, even if it means making others mad. Sagittarius usually have good intentions. They speak from the heart without holding anything back because they want to help their friends out and give them a head’s up when something is wrong. However, they can be judgmental and careless at times, which means they might blurt out something harmful without thinking about how it will impact the other person. They might not realize how much power their words have over others.


Virgos aren’t going to hide anything from you because they want to help you. If they give you advice or correct you, they don’t realize that they could be hurting your feelings. They think they’re doing the right thing by guiding you. They feel like they know more than everyone else in the room, like they’re doing you a favor by filling you in instead of letting you make mistakes. Sometimes Virgos will overstep because no one asked for their opinion but they will provide it anyway. They can’t sit back and stay quiet when they feel like they have the power to help. They would rather step in, even if it means pissing some other people off in the process.


This sign can come across as cold, emotionless, and detached because they have a logical way of looking at the word. They don’t care about blending in with the crowd or doing what others expect. They would rather follow their own rules than stick to social rules, so they might end up blurting out things that could get them in trouble. They aren’t trying to hurt anyone’s feelings by being honest. Since the things they’re saying wouldn’t hurt their own feelings, they assume that their friends and family won’t be hurt either. They don’t realize how long someone might replay the things that they’ve said, so blurting out the truth doesn’t feel like a big deal to them. They’ll say something, then completely forget that it was even a topic of conversation while others are dwelling.