Jeff Isy

4 Zodiacs Who Will Be The Most Affected By 2022’s Mercury Retrograde In Capricorn

Mercury’s back at it again with the retrograde. This time, the planet will retrograde in Capricorn from December 29th, 2022 to January 18th, 2023. With this Mercury retrograde being in Capricorn, expect an emphasis on issues related to work and family.

While Mercury retrograde will affect everyone to some degree, here are the four zodiac signs it will impact the most this time around:

1. Aries

Aries can expect quite a bit of turbulence during this particular transit, especially in regard to their professional life if they’re not careful. Competitive Aries would be wise to take a step back from trying to get ahead of everyone else and remember that they’re on the same team as their coworkers.

2. Cancer

Cancer often goes inward during times of stress and this Mercury retrograde in Capricorn will push this sensitive water sign to hibernate even more than usual. The reason for this is because of the immense pressure Cancer is experiencing at work. While this pressure is creating great opportunities for their career overall, Cancer is teetering on the edge of complete and utter burnout. This is pushing their favorite people away because Cancer is failing to communicate effectively. Cancer would do well to remember that the phone goes both ways (and that they need to do their part).

3. Libra

Flighty Libra will notice a shift in their desire to connect with others during this 2022 Mercury retrograde in Capricorn, especially with their family members. While communication often goes absolutely haywire during Mercury retrograde, Libra would still benefit from trying to reconnect with their family during this period.

4. Capricorn

Ambitious Capricorn will be deeply affected by this Mercury retrograde and will be called to remember the important things in life. Career success matters greatly to this cardinal earth sign, but this can quickly lead to Capricorn taking on way too much at the office. This will become especially apparent during this transit. While it will be a bit of a rude awakening, ultimately this will be transformative for Capricorn’s life moving forward and lead them to pursue a more healthy work-life balance.