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4 Zodiacs Who Will Experience The Biggest Reset During July 17’s New Moon

If you’ve been feeling the need for a reset, then good news—the New Moon in Cancer is upon us!

On July 17th, the New Moon will appear in the sentimental water sign Cancer, and it’s ready for us to take a breather and prepare for the next steps. New moons are associated with resets and new beginnings, providing the perfect opportunity to sit with our thoughts and emotions as we look ahead.

With this occurring during Cancer season, we collectively feel the need to retreat and connect with our feelings to process what we are experiencing. We may feel more inclined to stay grounded and settled within our homes or surrounded by our loved ones. With Cancer also as the sign that rules the moon, the impact of this particular transit may feel more powerful than others this year.

While every zodiac sign will have its experiences with the New Moon, four zodiac signs in particular will likely feel the reset effects more distinctly than others. Check out your sign below (Sun, Moon, and Rising!) to see which zodiac signs will experience the biggest reset during the New Moon in Cancer. 


The New Moon is showing up in your sign, so naturally, you will feel this energy the strongest, Cancer! Your 1st House of Self and Identity is getting attention here, and it’s the perfect chance for you to think about your dreams and goals for yourself. Have you been thinking of making changes? Are you content with keeping things the same? Are you where you want to be or on your way? These are all essential questions to sit with, and the answers may surprise you—yet they also may open the door to a fresh start. 


Despite your determination to do everything independently, you know we all need connection and community, Capricorn. With this New Moon appearing in your 7th House House of Relationships, this is a great moment to clear the air and look closer at your interpersonal relationships. Whether it’s a partner, friend, or business partner, this is an ideal time to make intentional decisions about strengthening and maintaining your connections, especially if they’ve felt neglected or insecure recently. Thinking about your expectations for your relationships (and striving to be that kind of person as well) can clear the way for fresh starts that will ultimately benefit everyone in the long run. 


Your career is taking center stage here, but is it time for a change, Libra? As the New Moon takes place in your 10th House of Career and Public Image, this could be the time for a more focused look at your long-term career goals. If you aren’t where you want to be, this could be a chance to plan how to get there. If you’re currently in your dream/ideal job, how can things improve? The day-to-day of most jobs can cause us to go on autopilot, but this transit is ready to fix your eyes on what’s currently happening and whether it’s what you want. While you may have to answer some difficult questions, the results could lead to a fresh perspective that is much needed.


Feeling the need to retreat, Leo? With the New Moon in your 12th House of Secrets and Subconscious, you may not feel as outgoing and social right now—which isn’t bad! In fact, this transit is a perfect preparation as we approach your season soon, so take the time to sit with your emotions and see what they’re trying to tell you. It can be easy to ignore and repress, but everything rises to the surface eventually. Use this time to set intentions for how to care for yourself mentally and emotionally, especially if those areas have felt neglected lately. If you lean into this energy now, you’ll feel refreshed when Leo season shows its face!