4 Zodiacs Who Would Be Happier Single Than In An Emotionally Distant Relationship
Ieva Urenceva

4 Zodiacs Who Would Be Happier Single Than In An Emotionally Distant Relationship

No one wants to feel like their partner is shutting them out. Healthy relationships require constant communication so both parties stay on the same page. You can’t avoid being vulnerable with your person or the relationship is going to be a mess. Here are the zodiacs who would be happier single than in an emotionally distant relationship:


You are all about communication. You aren’t afraid to talk to your partner about what is going through your head, and you expect them to talk to you too. You don’t want to be the only one sharing thoughts. You don’t want to be tearing your heart open while they keep theirs locked away. You would be happier single than in an emotionally distant relationship because if you’re willing to let down your guard and take a chance on this person, they better be willing to do the same. You aren’t going to be the only one putting in the effort. You need them to show they are just as invested in the relationship as you are, and that starts by really opening up.


You want a partner who is going to open up to you about the way that they are feeling. You want them to come to you when something is bothering them so you know what’s wrong and can find a way to fix it. If they don’t confide in you, then it’s going to be impossible to get on the same page. You would rather be single than in a relationship where you have no idea what is running through your partner’s head. You need to be close to your person, emotionally, not just physically. You need to understand what they want and want they need so you aren’t stuck playing guessing games.


You expect your partner to tell you the truth without being asked. You don’t want to beg someone to tell you what they’re thinking. You don’t want every conversation to feel like you’re pulling teeth. You want your person to freely volunteer information because they trust you, because they want you to know how they’re doing. You would rather be single than in an emotionally distant relationship because vulnerability is part of being a healthy couple. If your person doesn’t trust you enough to talk to you honestly, then there’s no chance things will last anyway.


You would be happier single than in an emotionally distant relationship because you aren’t interested in playing guessing games. If your person has something to say, then they should come out and say it. They shouldn’t be afraid to confide in you because you’re supposed to be the person they trust most of all. Besides, you aren’t going to read their mind. You aren’t going to jump through hoops to make them happy. They need to be direct with you because you are too mature for games. You want someone who is blunt with you. Someone who speaks their truth, even when it’s hard. You aren’t going to waste your time trying to interpret mixed messages and guess what is on their mind. You would rather be alone.