Lucas Pezeta

4 Zodiacs Who Would Benefit From Plant Therapy

According to The American Horticultural Therapy Association, Plant Therapy is “the engagement of a person in gardening and plant-based activities” 

Plants are an integral part of living on Earth. They yield flowers, nectar for our bees, and oxygen for the environment. The act of catering to a plant and watching it grow can bring about many benefits to the human experience. Considering the triumphs and struggles of the following Zodiacs, these are the signs that we believe would benefit the most from some time in the garden. 


Aries are known for their fiery and competitive nature. While this cardinal sign is able to get things done, and accomplish a great deal, they’re also known to be impatient. They seek speedy results and when that doesn’t manifest, they find themselves in a world of fury. 

Aries would really benefit from planting a few seeds only to remember that ultimately: nature is in control. Taking a plant from seed to harvest takes time, consistency, dedication, and faith in the process. It requires this sign that typically seeks control to let go completely and know that the plant decides when it grows. The only responsibility of this gardener is to cater to it, offer the resources it needs, and trust that the other elements will work together to bring it to full bloom . 


Virgos have a high standard for all things. Not just for those around them but also, for themselves. This leads them to be highly critical and find themselves in a slippery perfectionist slope. This then can lead to huge dissatisfaction in life. 

A Virgo seeking to interact with plants will allow them to see not only the many “flaws” in the growing process, but the beauty that surrounds that. Sometimes, the plant may not manifest in the expected timeline or even yield the amount of fruit desired. It’s in witnessing this that perhaps, a Virgo can see it doesn’t need to be perfect to be considered beautiful, worthy, or enough.


Taurus is known for being very grounded and stable. Simultaneously, they can remain highly fixated on a specific desire and result. 

In order for a Taurus to evolve during its lifetime, they must come to understand that not everything can go the way they desire. When working with plants, they will come to understand that the rain may not be consistent, the sun may choose to hide, and the winds may be so strong that a plant uproots itself. 

At the same time, a Taurus’s determination will allow them to work beyond all odds to deliver their wanted result. Stubbornness can lead to a great outcome – considering its intense focus. However, the uncontrollable nature of the elements will determine what outcome is delivered and a Taurus must learn to surrender to that. 


Pisces are excellent dreamers and catch themselves in a myriad of fantasies on a regular basis. While this way of living is great for envisioning big picture dreams, their detachment from the earth experience can hold them back in accomplishing their goals. 

Working with plants will allow Pisces to remain rooted in the Earth. Having a tangible activity such as gardening will help them to refocus their energy and be one with the present moment. 

Deepak Chopra states that in the present moment, we have access to the infinite potentiality of the universe. To help a Pisces unlock the secret sauce to their cosmic aspirations, we recommend this grounding activity. 

Each sign offers a beautiful strength and when paired with plant therapy, can work to overcome their unconscious and limiting habits.