4 Zodiacs Who Would Rather Be Alone Than In A Roller Coaster Relationship
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4 Zodiacs Who Would Rather Be Alone Than In A Roller Coaster Relationship

Some zodiacs cannot handle drama. They would much rather be alone than stuck in a relationship where things are going great one day, then are completely chaotic the next. That up-and-down, unpredictable lifestyle isn’t meant for them. Here are some zodiacs who would rather be alone than in a roller coaster relationship:


Taurus cannot stand unpredictability. They want a partner who is consistent and reliable. A partner they can always count on, regardless of the situation. If their partner is kind and loving one day, then cruel and neglectful the next, they aren’t going to have the sense of stability that they crave. They aren’t going to feel comfortable with this person, so the trust will be gone quickly — and they cannot maintain a relationship without trust. A Taurus won’t stand for a roller coaster relationship because they would rather be alone than enmeshed in constant drama. They don’t have the patience or the energy for it.


Libras aren’t a confrontational sign, so they aren’t going to love the idea of a roller coaster relationship. Although they are forgiving and are open to giving their partner another chance, those chances aren’t unlimited. Libras are not pushovers. If it reaches the point where they cannot trust their partner to treat them right, they are going to walk away. Although they are romantics, they realize there’s more to life than romantic love, so they are comfortable being on their own. They believe it’s better to be single so they can stay open to a brand new love that will treat them right, than to be in a relationship that is clearly never going to work.


Capricorns aren’t going to waste their time with a roller coaster relationship. They want a partner who makes them feel safe and comfortable. A partner they can trust completely. If someone shows them that they can’t be trusted, then this sign doesn’t need to be told twice. They are going to walk away before they get even more attached. They would much rather be single than in a relationship where they aren’t sure which version of their partner they’re going to get on any given day. They are going to hold out for a relationship where their needs are being met all of the time, not part of the time depending on what their person picks and chooses to do.


Pisces are a sensitive sign, so their emotions are highly impacted by the people around them. When they’re in a relationship that is a complete roller coaster, they are never going to feel comfortable. They will experience highs and lows along with their partner, and it won’t be a fun time for them. This sign needs a relationship where they’re giving and taking close to the same amount. Not a relationship where they’re doing all of the emotional labor, where they’re trying to put out fires left and right, where they never feel like they’re on solid ground. They need someone who is a calming presence, just like they are.