4 Zodiacs Who Would Rather Be Alone Than With A Partner They Can’t Trust
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4 Zodiacs Who Would Rather Be Alone Than With A Partner They Can’t Trust

A relationship is never going to last if you can’t trust your person. You need to believe that your partner has your best interest in mind, that they are being honest with you, that they are never going to sneak behind your back or lie straight to your face. Here are the zodiacs who would rather be alone than with a partner they can’t trust:


Taurus, you need constant reassurance from your partner that they love you, respect you, and support you. You aren’t going to last in a relationship where there’s any doubt about their feelings, where there’s even the slightest possibility that they might betray you. You would much rather be alone than with a partner you can’t trust because you don’t want to spend every waking moment worried. You don’t want to question every word that comes out of your partner’s mouth and end up knee-deep in insecurities because you aren’t getting the treatment you deserve. It’s easier to be single than with someone who makes you feel like you aren’t worth their trust.


Cancer, you are a sensitive sign, so you need your partner to be gentle with you. Although you’re forgiving, you never forget, so one betrayal could spell the end of your relationship. After all, you’re never going to be able to look at your person the same way again. You’re never going to get over the fact that they disrespected you. You would rather be alone than with a partner you can’t trust because you’re never going to feel safe with them. You’re never going to feel like you can let your guard down and love unconditionally. You’re always going to be waiting for them to hurt you again, so there will always be distance between you. 


Leo, you love yourself too much to waste your time with a person who is dishonest with you. Especially since you’re one of the most loyal signs in the zodiac. You expect your partner to give you the same respect that you give them by staying honest with you and staying faithful to you. You would rather be alone than with a partner you can’t trust because you know you deserve better. You aren’t going to lower your standards, just so you can say you’re in a relationship. After all, you realize there’s nothing wrong with the single life. You’re an independent sign, so you can take care of yourself. You don’t need someone else to feel valuable or whole.


Capricorn, you take your commitments seriously. When you promise someone your loyalty, you mean it. You aren’t going to betray someone you love, and the least they can do is return the favor. You would rather be alone than with a partner you can’t trust because you want this person to feel like home. You want to feel completely comfortable with them. And if you can never tell whether they’re hiding secrets from you or sneaking around behind your back, you aren’t going to feel comfortable. You aren’t going to feel loved.