4 Zodiacs Whose Feelings Are Always A Roller Coaster
Thought Catalog Agency

4 Zodiacs Whose Feelings Are Always A Roller Coaster

Some zodiacs feel like their emotions are a roller coaster because they could be perfectly happy one moment, then are panicking the next. Although this happens to everyone from time to time, depending who you are and what you’re currently going through, it happens to some more than others. Here are the zodiacs who feel like their emotions are always a roller coaster:


Aries, your emotions can change in an instant. You might be fired up one moment, and will be going on rants about how upset you are — but then you will cool down and be perfectly calm the next moment. This can throw some people off, especially if they’re non-confrontational, because they don’t understand that your temper is temporary. They don’t understand how you can be so angry with them, and then end up apologizing and/or forgiving them all within the space of a few hours. Although there’s nothing wrong with feeling as strongly as you do, sometimes it can feel like a blessing and other times it can feel like a curse.    


Gemini, your feelings change frequently, which is why some people consider you indecisive. It’s not that you don’t know what you want. It’s that the specific things you want can change wildly from moment to moment. You are hesitant to commit to big decisions because, although you might feel strongly about what the best move is today, that could all change by tomorrow. Although there is beauty in being so flexible and open-minded, this can also be frustrating because it makes it hard to stick to whatever decisions you make. It can be hard to trust your gut when it tells you different things, based on the day.


Cancer, your feelings sometimes feel like a roller coaster, which is why you try to stuff them down. You don’t want to bother anyone with your complaints — but your loved ones won’t think of you as a bother. And when you pretend your emotions don’t exist, you aren’t giving yourself the chance to analyze what you’re feeling and figure out what you need to do to fix the situation or make yourself more comfortable. In reality, your feelings might not be as complicated as you’re thinking. But in order to figure that out, you need to give yourself space to explore them, to be honest about what you’re thinking instead of pretending everything is perfectly fine and exploding at random.


Since you’re an empath, you’re heavily impacted by the people around you. If someone you love is upset, you’re going to be upset. If someone else is excited, you’re going to be excited. Your emotions can feel like a roller coaster because you’re sensitive and the tiniest word or experience will change how you’re feeling in the moment. Your emotions never last long, which can be a relief when you’re struggling, but a burden when you’re trying to enjoy the moment you’re in. Even though some people aren’t going to treat your emotions with the respect they deserve, remember that you are allowed to feel how you feel. Your emotions are valid, no matter what anyone else tries to tell you.