Nataliia Holovchuk

4 Zodiacs Whose Guardian Angel Is Their Own Intuition


You know that uncanny feeling, Pisces, that someone you can’t see is watching out for you or over you? Gently nudging you further on the path you’ve chosen? You may attribute this feeling to an external source, a guardian angel or benevolent spirit, but it’s really your own intuition. Your imagination, and it’s insatiable appetite for books and movies and songs, is constantly processing patterns and archetypes. You know what a journey towards growth and self-actualization looks like because you inherently access the universal parts of the human experience, the ones that others try to leave us breadcrumbs for in their work, their art, and their lives. You perceive that spectre of that goodwill and let yourself be guided by it.


Your intuition is your innate sense of morality Aquarius. You don’t need religion or philosophy or politics to tell you how to be a good person. It’s not something you ever can or need to be taught because your underlying sense of empathy guides you toward the most compassionate and just decisions. You may attribute this confidence in your own convictions to a family member or a mentor, but the truth is that this has always been there inside of you. You deserve more credit than you give yourself. Dare to ask yourself what life would look like if you didn’t have to pretend that it’s difficult or complicated for anyone to do the right thing when it comes so easily to you.


You know how to open up, Cancer. You know how to look your past dead in the eye and see it for what it is. You know how to own up to your own mistakes, and delight in your own victories. It may feel like someone is holding your hand in the most difficult or challenging moments. You might have a confidante or a therapist who you can confide in. But the truth is, no matter who is helping you examine your own life, it’s you who is doing the emotional work. You are refusing to take the easy way out, to choose the old coping mechanisms. You are ushering in the new version of you, and that is who you perceive as your guardian angel.


Your fantasies are rich and wild, Sagittarius. They’ve consistently led you toward adventure and self-discovery. While you may credit the sources of your inspiration, writers, travelers, historical figures whose lives you yearn to emulate, the guardian angel who’s protection you sense is really your innermost self. The self that is still connected to childhood, who isn’t confined by societal pressures or expectations or norms. Your inner self listens to your heart, follows your gut, and trusts in your abilities to make the right decision. It feels the tug of your moral compass, and never doubts its sincerity or intentions. You may think there’s a higher power pulling the strings, but you are the one flying this kite, and the higher it soars, the prouder you should be.