4 Zodiacs Whose Hearts Have Hardened Over The Years
Twenty20 / ccweske

4 Zodiacs Whose Hearts Have Hardened In 2023

Most people aren’t going to remain the same forever. Their experiences shape them. Their past relationships and friendships will influence the way they love others in the future. Sometimes, those changes can be positive — and other times, they can be destructive. While hardening your heart is good in some ways and dangerous in others, there’s nothing wrong with this happening because it’s more common than you think. Here are a few zodiacs whose hearts have hardened over the years:


Your heart has hardened because you used to let others take advantage of your kindness and were always stuck in one-sided relationships where your needs weren’t being met. And you aren’t willing to settle for that anymore. You aren’t willing to sacrifice everything that brings meaning to your life in order to please one other person. You are finally going to hold out for what you deserve instead of settling for a person who accuses you of asking for too much. Although you still have a soft, generous heart and will help the people who mean the most to you, you are no longer going to fight to keep people around who are bad influences on you, who only make you feel worse about yourself, who never give half as much as you do on a daily basis.


Your heart has hardened because you have given others the benefit of the doubt one too many times and were burned badly. You put your faith in the wrong people and paid the price. But now, you are more careful about who you let into your heart. You are more cutthroat when it comes to asking for what you deserve. Although you’re still a friendly person, you aren’t going to be a pushover anymore. You don’t want to forgive the wrong people and keep giving them chance after chance that they don’t deserve. You don’t want to let your kind heart get in the way of your standards. You want to wait for the type of love you deserve because settling is disrespecting yourself.


You have always been laid-back and open-minded. However, you aren’t going to make assumptions about other people anymore. You aren’t going to make excuses for them. If they are hurting you, you are going to accept that they are no good for you. Your heart has hardened after a lifetime of letting problems roll off your back because you are sick of being the nice guy. For years, you have acted like your hurt feelings were no big deal, like you were completely fine with canceled plans and broken promises because you didn’t want to cause any drama. But now, you’re starting to realize you deserve better than this treatment. You’re not the bad guy for asking for what you deserve. You’re allowed to have standards.


You are always going to have a huge heart — but it has definitely hardened over the years. After all, you have been hurt more times than you can count. You have experienced the worst parts of love and relationships. You have been disappointed and betrayed by the people you thought you could trust most of all. These experiences have made you much more cautious with your heart. They have made you realize you need to use your head and trust your gut. However, you still love deeply. You’re just careful about who you direct that love toward.