4 Zodiacs Whose Luck Will Improve On March 27th
You’ve been feeling guilty about your bad luck streak, Leo, knowing that most people view you as extremely fortunate. Despite your many blessings, you’ve still had a rough time of it for the past few months. Poor timing, car troubles, clumsy injuries, and misplaced belongings all have you feeling like things are slowly falling apart at the seems. Your self-confidence has been thrown out of whack, and you simply don’t know where to begin to start piecing things back together. Today is the day where a phone call, a text message, or an e-mail you’ve been waiting for brings the good news you’ve desired. If this one thing can work out in your favor, your belief in yourself can be renewed.
You’ve had a series of lackluster dates recently, Capricorn. Nothing completely offensive or nefarious that you could blame on the other party, simply a lack of chemistry and connection with the person across the table that’s left you feeling unfulfilled and questioning whether you’ll ever find that spark you’re looking for. Your luck will improve where you least expect it today, effectively manifesting the exact opposite of your recent experiences. Instead of finding zero attraction in the setting of romantic expectations, you will find intense attraction where you least expect it. Shopping for wart removal remedies in your local drug store, getting your lip waxed, or filing your taxes. You’ll recover from any initial shock or embarrassment soon enough and bounce back with charm and charisma.
Work has been grinding your gears in more ways than one, Gemini, but the break you’ve been praying for is finally arriving today. Whether it comes in the form of a new colleague or new initiative that turns your day to day around, you will welcome it with open arms. You won’t understand at first, how something so seemingly small can permeate the entire structure until its core is completely changed, but that is the magic of positivity. It finds the tiniest crack in the toughest of walls and finds a way inside. You yourself Gemini will become an instrument of its integration. An early adopter and super spreader of smiles and thoughtfulness and conversation that leaves others feeling seen, valued, and respected. You become the change you want to see.
You often go unrecognized and unthanked for your genius, Virgo. Your analytical mind often feels like more of a curse than a blessing, because you see through everyone’s facade so quickly, and are left disappointed by the reality beneath the veneer. The thing about tearing down a lie is that it can seem like there’s nothing solid in sight for miles, but today is the day you’re proven wrong. The day where something is a pure and genuine and good as it appears, and even further, it sees you for the treasure you are. You’ve been looking in all the wrong places for validation, but this is where you’ve been meant to be all along. A place where you can thrive and contribute in the creation of something worthy, instead of continuing to deconstruct false idols.