Andrea Piacquadio

4 Zodiacs With A New Beginning Around The Corner

The breakthrough is not the moment when things finally fall into place, but the moment we are able to dance despite the unanswered questions, the unknown, the losses, the hurt. We have to move as though we have already arrived, as that’s the way we get there.

Brianna Wiest, The Pivot Year


Gemini’s new beginning involves placing trust in others after a period of self-preservation and nursing wounds from past betrayals. They’ve learned the lessons they were meant to receive, and have mourned the loss of their innocence and untarnished faith in others. But now they are embarking on a journey towards adulthood. Of knowing from experience that people can let you down, but giving them the opportunity to support, love, and protect you anyway. Of actively choosing to be vulnerable, knowing you have the ability and wherewithal to pick yourself up again if you fall. To always try to see and experience the best in life, even when you know you can’t avoid the worst. It’s time Gemini focused on a path forward, now that they’ve finally made peace with the past.


Aries’ new beginning involves a commitment to a lifestyle change. A change that completely transforms their day to day routines and experiences. They aren’t just changing an isolated habit, like when or what they eat, they are changing the way they talk, the way they think, the way they treat themselves and others. It’s as big of a mental, emotional and spiritual change as it is physical. They’re not just incorporating good habits into their schedule, they are creating and carving out a life full of things that bring them joy. That is the new starting place, asking themselves, “What actually makes me happy?” The journey is about finding all the possible answers to that question, even the ones they aren’t already aware of.


Aquarius’ new beginning is about being true to themselves. About not making themselves smaller or quieter or more palatable for anyone else. About speaking their mind honestly and authentically, and feeling empowered to be unapologetically themselves. They don’t owe anyone an explanation or permission to think what they think, love who they love, or live their lives they way they choose. The days of trying not to ruffle any feathers or offend along the way are over. They aren’t doing any direct harm to anyone, so worrying about offending others by virtue of being different is a thing of the past. It is their time to shine, time to stand out, time to be who they were born to be.


Virgo’s new beginning is about reinventing themselves. About becoming all of the things they’ve always wanted to be, but were just too afraid to try, or not sure they could pull off. Virgo is ready to take that leap of faith and embody all of the traits they’ve been idealizing for years. They’re going to be the person who dresses for themselves and finishes every ensemble with a spritz of perfume. They’re going to wear jewelry with different metals, and wear their hair in a signature style. They’re going to read more books, in foreign languages, and treat themselves to extravagant dinners without anything in particular to celebrate. They are going to live life like there is something to be excited about every day, even if it’s just being themselves.