Frank Flores

4 Zodiacs With An Adventure Just Around The Bend


Gemini is about to hit the road and explore destinations both far and wide. Things have been feeling a little stale around the homestead, and a change of scenery is exactly the thing they need to figure out their next move. Distance either makes the heart grow fonder, or exposes exactly what they’re ready to move on from. Whatever answers they find, it’s a journey they’ll never forget. Gemini has been long awaiting any kind of change to their routine, and this trip becomes the perfect excuse to shake things up. Sometimes changing where we are feel like permission to change who we are as well. In this setting, Gemini can finally explore the feelings and ideas they’ve been nursing for ages about who it is they want to become.


Cancer is about to dive into territory that is completely unknown. Whether that’s parenthood, a choreographed dance number, learning to fly a plane, or overcoming an aversion to vegetables, there’s a total knowledge gap involved in the endeavor. The only way they can get past the overwhelming nature of the newness is to embrace it, and that’s one task Cancer is brave enough to take on. They trust in their ability to protect themselves, and to learn and adapt to new circumstances and challenges. Being so completely outside of their own comfort zone is bound to teach them new things they didn’t even know about themselves. It may feel like teaching an old dog new tricks at first, but Cancer will realize just how much life is really ahead of them.


Scorpio’s adventure is the ultimate seduction. Someone who seems to completely resist their charms, at first, will prove completely irresistible to them. They will pour their full effort and arsenal into winning them over and gaining their affection. The only part that completely terrifies Scorpio is how monumental it all feels. Even early on, they get the impression that this could be it for them. That no chemistry, no attraction, no personal equation will ever be able to top this. That everything behind them was child’s play in comparison, and that this may finally be the person who gets them to settle down for good. As much as they’d normally resist that idea, it seems a fair price to pay win order to obtain the object of their desire.


In the 1991 film, Hook, the title character complains, β€œDeath is the only great adventure I have left”, and the same is true for Aries, except it’s not a literal death. There is some aspect of their ego and pride that they are going to have to leave behind in order to fully embrace this next chapter of their lives. They are going to have to learn how to compromise, how to share. How to risk making a fool of themselves for a higher purpose. It’s when Aries finally lets go of some of these teenaged fears and anxieties that they can truly thrive as a full-fledged adult. The alternative is to live the rest of their life as if it was high-school, and it’s not going to be a good look by the time they hit their 40s.