4 Zodiacs With Porcelain Spirits
Some zodiacs have strong, resilient hearts that are able to bounce back quickly after breakups. But other zodiacs struggle to heal because their hearts are absolutely shattered after every rejection and breakup. Here are the signs with glass hearts:
You are a thoughtful, sensitive sign, so it won’t be easy for you to overcome heartbreak. It’s going to take a while for you to heal from the pain that a partner has put you through, since you trusted them and genuinely believed that they were never going to hurt you. Your heart is made of glass – but you need to stop thinking of this as a bad thing. It’s beautiful that you love so hard and care so deeply. It’s beautiful that you are willing to put so much faith into the person who has captured your heart. Although you might need a while to move on from them, that’s okay. There’s no reason to rush the process. You are eventually going to heal. It’s just going to take some time.
It’s tough for you to deal with heartbreak because you love with your whole heart. Once you grow attached to someone, you struggle to imagine your world without them. You want them by your side forever. So it’s hard to accept when they’re suddenly gone. It’s hard to make peace with the fact that they weren’t permanent. Although your heart will completely shatter when someone leaves you, remember that it’s always possible to put the pieces back together again. It won’t be a simple process and it won’t happen overnight, but it will happen. Even the most fragile hearts are built to last. Yours will love again.
Most people expect you to have a tough, resilient heart because you come across as confident, like you don’t give a damn about what anyone else has to think. And most of the time, that is entirely true. However, when you fall in love, all bets are off. Once you commit to someone, you assume they will be with you for life. You are always caught by surprise when a relationship comes to an end because you planned on it being permanent. Finding out that you were wrong isn’t easy to stomach. It isn’t easy for you to move on from this person or to find the courage to love again. For a while, you will want to swear off love completely — but time will heal your wounds. Time will remind you that you’re worth loving and that you are strong enough to try again.
Your heart is fragile, but that’s only because you are all in on relationships. You aren’t going to love someone halfway. You aren’t going to hold back bits and pieces of yourself in order to protect yourself from potential pain. You are going to give your partner everything because you are brave enough to be vulnerable. Although it’s never easy for you to bounce back from your heartbreaks, you should be proud of yourself for putting yourself out there fully, which is something that most people are terrified to do. Being so open and honest might have backfired on you in the past, but once you find the perfect person, it’s going to make it so much easier to connect and love each other right.