4 Zodiacs With Roller Coaster Personalities
Your personality isn’t as static as you might think. No one is going to act the same one hundred percent of the time – but some people will change their personalities completely, depending on who else is in the room with them. Here are the zodiacs with the most dynamic, roller coaster personalities:
You act wildly different, depending on who else is in the room with you. That doesn’t mean that you are inauthentic. You are always yourself. You aren’t going to lie about your interests or thoughts or opinions. However, different types of people bring out different sides of you. At work, you are going to remain professional at all times. You are going to be the person who everyone rush to when they need help because you are competent and driven. But when you’re with your friends, you are the weirdest one in the group. You don’t take yourself seriously at all.
You act completely different in different social situations. Which is why you get along with so many people. You are able to mold yourself to fit the situation that is presented to you. You aren’t going to lie about your thoughts and present an inauthentic version of yourself – but you always remain flexible. You are ready for whatever you might face because you are quick on your feet. You are the type of person who can talk about anything and everything that might come up during a conversation. You can get along with anyone, no matter how different they are from you because your personality isn’t one solid thing. It’s changeable.
You act completely different around certain groups of friends than you do around other groups of friends. And you act another way when you’re entirely alone. It’s not that you’re performing for anyone or trying to be someone you’re not in order to impress them. It’s just that different people bring out different sides of you. After all, you aren’t reduced to one or two personality traits. You are a vivid, complex person. Sometimes you are loud and confident. Other times you are shy and contemplative. It depends on the day. It depends on the situation. It depends on a dozen different factors that you can’t always pinpoint. But none of it is fake. It’s all you.
You act like a different person, depending on your mood. And different people bring out different moods. Some people stress you out, especially when you’re at work and under deadlines and don’t want to be bothered. And other people make you feel lighter and more carefree, especially when you have some time off and can do as you please. That’s why you act completely different on the clock than off the clock. You aren’t going to talk to your boss the same way as you talk to the friends you party with on weekends. You aren’t even going to talk to coworkers the same in the office as when you catch them in the wild. Some people struggle to understand you, because you can act so different at different times, but you just do whatever feels right to you in the moment.