5 Concrete Signs He’s Emotionally Immature (And You Need To Move On)

Here are five concrete signs he’s emotionally immature (and you need to move on).

1. He cannot take accountability for anything.

To him, nothing is ever his problem. He is quick to shift the blame in all situations, from work issues to money problems to friendship fights. And when it comes to disagreements between you and him, he never takes ownership of his role in a conflict. It is somehow always your fault and your problem.

2. He is selfish.

Everything is on his terms and no one else’s. He does not take you and your feelings into account because he is only viewing the world from his perspective. He makes decisions based on his wants and needs only, even if those choices negatively impact others. He has a self-centered approach to life and has little consideration for how his behavior affects other people.

3. He is not future-oriented at all.

While living in the moment is one thing, completely ignoring the fact the future is coming and should be taken into account is another.

An emotionally immature man doesn’t have long-term goals or ambitions. He doesn’t know what he wants out of his life and claims he is just “going with the flow.” His lack of foresight can manifest in a number of ways including financial struggles to dead-end jobs to saying what kind of relationship he wants with you.

What he fails to realize, however, is that life requires some planning and commitment in order to turn out in a positive, fulfilling way.

4. He’ll delay making plans with you because he want to “see how he’s feeling first.”

A man with emotional maturity would not only have the consideration to know that it’s unfair to keep someone waiting around but would also not need to see what his mood was before committing to plans. Because even if he was in a bad mood, an emotionally mature man would have the emotional regulation skills to work through it and still be able to show up for you. An emotionally immature man, on the other hand, is completely ruled by his emotions and therefore at their mercy at any given time.

5. He fights in unfair ways.

This means he may resort to name-calling or become defensive if you bring up something he did that hurt you in some way. In fact, you sometimes don’t even bother bringing up your grievances because his reaction isn’t worth dealing with, or the fight that comes afterward. It’s exhausting.