These 5 Signs Prove Their Love For You Is Authentic
Twenty20 / criene

5 Concrete Signs Their Love For You Is Authentic

You don’t want to end up dating someone who cares more about the general concept of being in a relationship than about being in love with you specifically. You don’t want to feel like they would settle for anyone, and you just happened to be the first person they found. Here are the signs their love for you is authentic:

They treat you the same in private as they do in public.

Their love isn’t performative. They aren’t treating you like royalty in front of friends and family, but then hounding you when you’re in a room alone together. They show you the same type of love and respect when you’re one-on-one as when you’re in a group of people. Their behavior doesn’t change drastically because their feelings for you are authentic. They aren’t putting on a show. They are expressing their genuine emotions.

They speak from the heart instead of telling you what they think you want to hear.

They aren’t going to give you empty apologies when they mess up so that the problem gets swept under the rug. They are going to tell you exactly how they’re feeling and explain where they were coming from. They are going to speak from the heart, and even though they might not always say the right thing, they are saying the most authentic thing. They are trying their best to be real with you.  

They show you they love you in little ways, not only through grand gestures.

They shouldn’t be waiting until holidays to shower you with affection and declare their undying love for you. They should be showing you that they care every single day, whether it’s through their actions or their words – or both. Their love is authentic if it is consistent. If they are able to treat you the same every single day, through good times and bad, through ups and downs, through happiness and sadness.

They see you as an actual, flawed person without putting you on a pedestal.

You don’t want your person to have the wrong impression about you. You don’t want them to be in love with the idealized version of you that they’re picturing in their head. You want them to be in love with the real you, flaws and all. You want them to understand your truth. You want them to see you for you. Then you know their feelings for you are real, not imagined or forced.

They are more invested in how your dates go than how it looks on social media.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting a nice picture to post on their feed, but they shouldn’t be more concerned with making it look like you’re having a good time together and making it look like you’re deeply in love than actually making sure you’re having a good time and are treating each other well. They should enjoy making you happy, even when the rest of the world won’t be able to see it, even when only the two of you will know that it happened.