5 Concrete Signs You Have Trouble Spotting Toxic Behavior In Men
Migraine by Quote Catalog

5 Concrete Signs You Have Trouble Spotting Toxic Behavior In Men

The worst thing about toxic partner sis that they’re hard to recognize. You aren’t going to know that they’re toxic at first. If you did, then you would steer clear of them. Unfortunately, they come across as charming and personable in the beginning. They make you think you can really trust them before showing their true colors. Although anyone could fall for a toxic partner, here are some concrete signs you have extra trouble spotting toxic behavior:

You assume that you deserve unfair treatment.

You have trouble recognizing toxic behavior because your standards are all over the place. You feel like you don’t deserve much, so when people treat you terribly, you feel like it’s warranted. You aren’t as outraged as you should be because you have fooled yourself into believing you are unworthy of genuine love and affection. You need to remember, even if your self-confidence is low, that doesn’t mean others are allowed to play games with your heart.

You’re always looking on the bright side.

Whenever someone treats you terribly, you make excuses for them. You feel like, since they’ve had such a hard life or since they usually treat you right on their best days, it’s okay that they’re hurting you now. But that’s not true at all. Although it’s lovely that you’re able to see where this person is coming from, having a reason for treating you terribly doesn’t mean it’s okay they’re treating you terribly. You can’t give out too many chances. You can’t be overly forgiving. Otherwise, you could end up with someone toxic.

You don’t have great example of ‘couple’ role models in your life.

If you grew up surrounded by toxic couples, then you might assume some toxic behavior is normal behavior. You might not bat an eye when someone hurts you because you feel like it’s the standard in long-term relationships. But just because a certain behavior might be common doesn’t mean it’s acceptable. It doesn’t mean you should tolerate it yourself.

You’re always putting your partners on a pedestal.

When you put your partner on a pedestal, you are putting yourself in the dirt. This means, whenever they make a mistake, you are going to view it as your own fault. You are going to assume that they were in the right and you were in the wrong, even when that’s not true in the least. It’s dangerous to think too highly of someone else because when they don’t give you all their love, you’re going to think it’s something you’ve done wrong. You’re going to assume you messed up. You’re going to place all the blame on yourself.

You have been in bad relationships before.

You can’t compare your current relationship to your past relationship, especially if that past relationship was toxic. If someone treats you slightly better than your ex, it doesn’t mean they’re treating you right. They still might be falling beneath your standards. They still might be giving you the bare minimum. Don’t assume this new relationship is perfect, just because it beats the last one.