5 Concrete Signs You Need To Give Up On Your Crush Once And For All
Sophia Sinclair

5 Concrete Signs You Need To Give Up On Your Crush Once And For All

You don’t want to continue chasing after someone who is never going to feel the same, or who is never going to treat you right. There are certain signs that you should give up on the idea of dating them and start channeling your love toward someone new. Here are the concrete signs you need to give up on your crush because a healthy, committed relationship isn’t in the stars:

They aren’t giving you the same energy back.

You don’t want to be the only one sending the first text, the only one planning dates, the only one coming up with conversation topics, the only one dressing up nice, the only one making a real effort. If you’re putting significantly more energy into every interaction, then this other person isn’t interested in you enough. They might be attracted to you and enjoy spending time with you, but they aren’t giving you what you need or deserve. They aren’t giving you enough.

They keep bringing up their feelings for an ex.

You shouldn’t feel like you’re competing for their love. If they keep confiding in you about how they still have feelings for their ex and are hoping to get back together, then you should probably give up on them. At least for now. They aren’t ready for a relationship with you. They aren’t ready to commit to you in the way that you deserve.

They keep sending mixed signals that mess with you emotionally.

Crushes are usually confusing. But there’s a difference between being unsure whether someone likes you because they are a little hot and cold – and feeling like you’re on a roller coaster because they spoil you one day, then treat you like trash the next. You deserve a partner who is consistent. If this person is making you cry every few days because they’re ignoring you or mistreating you, then it doesn’t matter how well they treat you on the good days. They shouldn’t be picking and choosing when you get respect. It should always be given freely.

They keep making false promises that they never follow through on.

You don’t want to chase after someone who intentionally strings you along for weeks, months, or years of your life. If they value your time and respect you as a person, they will be straightforward with you. It’s okay if they’re not ready for a relationship yet, but if they’re lying about when they will be ready and are making you feel like it’s only a matter of time until you get together when that’s clearly not the case, they are using you as an ego boost. And you should show them the door.

They want different things from the future than you do.

If you’re in a stage of life where you’re serious about settling down with someone, then you don’t want to waste time on a person who has a completely different vision for the future as you do because it’s never going to last long-term. You might be physically compatible, but if you’re in completely different spaces emotionally, a relationship probably isn’t worth the trouble.