5 Concrete Signs You Need To Rethink Your Entire Life Path
You’ve worked so hard to get where you are today, yet there’s something missing. Or maybe you got here by accident and with a bit of luck, but it still doesn’t feel right. How do you know when you need a big change? These concrete signs are telling you to rethink your entire life path. It might be time to change everything completely and start fresh.
1. You’re not as happy or fulfilled as you thought you’d be.
When you dreamed of how your life would be, it seemed like it would be amazing. But you’re here now and it just doesn’t feel like how you thought it would. You’re not happy. None of your accomplishments matter if they just make you feel hollow.
2. You’re tired of making choices that make other people happy.
Were you the one who wanted your life to be this way, or did you do it for someone else? Maybe your parents wanted you to be a lawyer, and now you’re sitting here in your law office absolutely miserable. It’s time to put your happiness first.
3. You keep daydreaming about the life you could have had.
Your daydreams are telling you everything you need to know. If you were truly happy, you wouldn’t be so glued to the idea of something more, something else.
4. You believe you’re stuck with the way your life is right now.
So many people stay in the life they have not because they like it, but because they believe it’s too late for them to change. They think they could have gone back to school when they were younger, to move to another country when they had the time, to quit their job when they didn’t have so many responsibilities. But it’s never too late when it means such a big difference to your happiness. You aren’t as stuck as you might feel.
5. You’ve been sitting with this feeling for a long time.
It’s one thing if this feeling of inadequacy is fresh and new. Maybe it’s just a fleeting whim that you shouldn’t chase? But if you’ve been feeling this way for years and your dissatisfaction with your life hasn’t gone away, it’s time to finally make that decision. You only get one life, so you’re better off rethinking your entire life path and starting fresh than wasting any more time in the life you never wanted.