5 Myers Briggs Types Who Are Always Protected By Their Guardian Angels
INFPs are known for being gentle, flowery, and kind. You’re a mediator to a T – you walk through life guided by your heart and your intuition. You’re highly creative and act on inspiration whenever it strikes, so it’s no surprise that your guardian angel is always working for you behind the scenes.
You’re someone who can appreciate all the subtle signs the universe sends you. When you’re given a creative opportunity, you’re likely to act on it. You’re also someone who gives back to the world in many wonderful ways; you nurture and care for others and always want to find a peaceful way to work with everyone around you. Because of these traits, your guardian angel can’t help but want to protect you all the time. Your caring spirit and creative soul makes you a prime candidate for being gently guided through life by a guardian angel.
You find the most life satisfaction in helping others and fulfilling your mission to better the world around you. Status, fortune, and fame don’t matter to you as much as making an authentic difference within your community or social circle. You want to help others as much as you can, and your guardian angel is always looking out for you because of how much you extend yourself to others.
Because you have such a unique and specific life purpose, your guardian angel knows exactly how to guide and protect you. Whether your guardian angel sends you constant signs to help you towards the right life path or just rearranges certain life events to protect your mental and physical health, you should know that they’re always looking out for you as you go about your daily life. You’re a little quiet, somewhat whimsical, and maybe even feel misunderstood at heart. This makes your guardian angel have an easier job of protecting you; not only can they send you signs that you might actually look out for and understand, but you tend to feel a connecting pull with the rest of the world that others just don’t understand.
There’s almost no one else in the Myers-Briggs lineup that is as caring as you are. You have so many different activities and hobbies to balance all at once, anyone else would struggle with your daily schedule. But you just love life and the people you surround yourself with so much, you thrive off of cramming your day full of as many exciting things and social events as possible.
Because ESFJs are highly loyal people who are somewhat altruistic at heart, their guardian angels are especially good at looking out for them. The more you give back to the universe and the more you protect those around you, the more your guardian angel will look out for you, too. If it’s good karma you’re seeking, as an ESFJ, you have loads of it. Your values and strict moral code show you exactly when and how to act, and your guardian angel can do their work behind the scenes to protect and guide you all the better.
Myers-Briggs labels you as the protagonist of the personality types, and there’s a reason for that. Your guardian angel is constantly guiding your life and working their magic for you behind the scenes. Maybe you feel like you have a true mission in life or that you have a unique purpose you’ve been certain of from a young age. Perhaps you feel called to a particular duty or have had times where you feel you absolutely have to speak up on behalf of someone.
These are moments where your guardian angel is guiding you. Whether they note someone else who needs your help or want to guide you towards your life purpose, you can rest assured that they are always looking out for you no matter what. As a ‘main character,’ your life’s path has likely been determined for you – thanks to your guardian angel, you’ll feel fulfilled, protected, and guided while you follow it.
As an ISFP, you’re a unique candidate for receiving guidance from your guardian angel. You take a free, spontaneous approach to life. You’re a creative type who isn’t just limited to one passion or hobby – rather, you see the entire world as something you can take advantage of, create within, and enjoy. You love genuine self-expression and have a deep passion for exploring the world around you.
Because of these traits, your guardian angel is easily able to protect and guide you towards new horizons. You’re naturally an adaptable personality type, which makes it easy for your guardian angel to present you with new challenges to overcome and opportunities to take advantage of. There’s no problem you can’t approach and no thrilling new possibility you won’t explore. This makes it especially easy for you to be constantly protected, guided, and advised by your guardian angel.