
5 Personality Traits That Keep You Attracting The Wrong Partners

You want someone who treats you right–a soulmate who fits you so perfectly. And yet, you keep attracting people who are all wrong for you. They don’t treat you well, they don’t like the same things as you, and you’re left wondering what you did to attract them. If you keep attracting the wrong people, you might be exhibiting some of these personality traits.

You’re not sure what you want.

It’s hard to attract the right people when you’re not even sure who those people are. This indecisiveness will only backfire. Until you have a concrete vision for what you want in your relationship, you’ll be attracting all sorts of people who are all wrong for you.

You ignore the red flags.

You’ll often notice red flags, like treating waitstaff terribly or taking days or more to text you back, but won’t let them deter you from dating someone. Those are red flags for a reason. It doesn’t make you a bad person to avoid someone who’s a walking red flag. If you’re not looking out for what’s best for you, of course you’ll end up with people who don’t treat you well.

You aren’t firm on your deal breakers.

Someone could seem so right for you. They treat you well, they get along with your friends, they respect your love language. But if they aren’t living up to one of your deal breakers–like whether or not you want kids–then all the rest is meaningless. Ignoring your deal breakers for an otherwise wonderful partner is just postponing an inevitable heartbreak.

You listen to people who say you’re “too picky.”

Maybe you do know what you want, but everyone gets on your case when you list out the traits you’re looking for. They tell you you’re too picky for looking for a partner who has drive or spends time with their family or keeps their home clean. The problem is that you believe the people who say you’re too picky, so you go against your better judgment and date people who are all wrong for you. Truth is, it’s better to be single than in a bad relationship. Finding the right person is worth the wait.

You give people chances that they don’t deserve.

If you’ve got a soft heart and root for the underdog, that could spell trouble for your love life. While people might deserve a chance in everyday life, that doesn’t mean you should date every person with a sob story. Often bad people will target those who give people chances they don’t deserve. Only date people who are worthy of you and don’t accept anything less.