Dziana Hasanbekava

5 Ways to Tap into Your Soul’s Highest Purpose

The last few years have provided perspective on what’s important in life, with the global pandemic forcing us to make changes we might never have considered before. People now realize how necessary it is to live in alignment with their values, particularly when it comes to working. To discover our purpose on the planet and serve the world, we must tap into dharma (our soul’s purpose). Only then can we live our life in connection with the universe. 

I’ve lived this journey myself, choosing the lesser walked path and pushing back against society’s pressures to find my purpose. In the process, I realized there was a way I could live a life of fulfillment and support others. Using these five methods I learned from “Discover your Dharma” by Sahara Rose, you too can discover your dharma and find the way to your higher self.

The Meaning of Dharma

In Sanskrit, Dharma means ‘soul’s purpose’. It’s about tapping into what makes you who you are, finding your core values, and serving the world with your authentic self. By taking the time to discover your dharma, you will learn more about yourself than ever before. It will help you find what makes you tick and clarify your big ‘why’. Most importantly, it allows you to lead a life where you go to bed each night knowing that you gave your all and benefited others in the process. When you realize this, you know that you are acting as a vessel to deliver a valuable message to the world.

5 Ways to Tap into Your Dharma

1. Self-Awareness

Think of discovering your dharma as planting a seed. During your journey, you will plant that seed, water it, and watch it sprout, grow, and blossom. 

The first stage of this is cultivating self-awareness. This is the moment you wake up from living life on auto-pilot and begin to wonder if there’s more for you. Perhaps you’re struggling to create boundaries at your corporate job, and it’s affecting your relationships? Maybe writing brings you happiness, but you never find the time to do it because you’re too busy? You’ve gotten into a cycle of bad habits and poor decisions, and you realize you want to change; it’s time to discover why you are here on earth.

2. Self-Improvement

Once you have planted your seed of self-awareness, you begin to take action, focusing on your daily choices. You start to shift your mindset from negative to positive, choose healthy eating, and incorporate daily meditation and yoga practices. This is also a time to focus on relationships that no longer make you feel good, be that with a friend or someone you follow on Instagram. Instead, surround yourself with positive energy, listen to motivational speakers, and make conscious decisions to absorb inspiring content. 

3. Awakening

You are now aware of the changes you need to make, and you’ve begun to take positive action. However, to discover your dharma, you have to know yourself. First, you must realize that the mind and body are only operating systems. To understand yourself fully, you have to tap into your soul. Only then will you know the depth of your emotions and the meaning of life. 

So how do you get there? You might gain perspective by taking a solo trip to Bali or India, taking the time to learn from gurus and connect with spiritual guides. Alternatively, you might use Shamiism or Ayurveda to gain insight into who you are and your unique essence. Whatever it is, this is an exciting journey of self-growth!

The awakening stage can be challenging, finally having to address childhood traumas or painful memories. However, it’s key to remember that your journey so far has brought you to this point. I, too, had to move through this stage as I battled with my need for validation from my family. However, I stayed true to my dharma, living alone in huts in India to connect with my soul and shift my perspective. 

4. Higher Consciousness

You have gained some clarity on your dharma, and you feel like you are a higher version of yourself. At this point, you still might not know your soul’s purpose, but you have a good idea of what brings you joy and how you can help people. During this active stage of your life, you see the universe for its potential, realize you are open to what it can bring you, and practice gratitude every day. 

To tap into your dharma, it’s essential to continue on your journey of spiritual growth. This might be ancestral healing or plant medicine, or it may be taking steps to do the work you love, be that enrolling in an online course or deciding to quit your job. You feel excited as you move towards a life where you live your dharma and reach complete fulfillment. 

5. Stepping into Your Dharma

Your journey to discover your dharma and reconnect with your soul is complete. Now you are living a life beyond your wildest dreams! You have shifted from a life that centers around you to one where you focus on others and the universe. When you feel negativity creep in, you have the power to stop it and continue transforming those parts of your life that act as roadblocks to your mission. 

Whether you’re coaching others on how to find their dharma, speaking on stage about plant-based medicine, or creating online courses to support others in your industry, you have embodied the truth of who you are. You live your days consciously, choosing your dharma above all and confident in how it helps others.