5 Zodiacs Who Feel Like They’re Moving Backward This October
Some months aren’t as productive as you would hope. Sometimes, you feel like you’re hovering in place or even moving backwards, even though you’re trying your hardest to move forward and forget your troubles. Here are a few signs who feel like they’ve been moving backward this October:
Gemini, you need to remember that progress isn’t always linear. It’s okay to have setbacks. It’s okay to make mistakes and lose progress. Even though you might have felt more successful or put together yesterday, that doesn’t mean that you should be embarrassed about your performance today. No one gets it right all the time. Some days are going to be steps forward and other days are going to be steps backward but as long as you keep going, as long as you don’t give up, you should eventually reach your destination. Remember, you are doing the best that you can, so don’t be too hard on yourself.
Leo, you have lofty goals for yourself and hold yourself to high standards, That’s why you’re going to be frustrated with yourself on the days when you’re unable to complete everything that you had planned. However, you need to remember that your best looks different every single day. You aren’t always going to have the same amount of energy or time in the day, which is why you can’t compare your current self to your past self. Simply be proud of yourself for trying because there are so many people who won’t even bother to put in that much effort.
Virgo, you are obsessed with the idea of being productive – but you need to remember that sometimes the most productive thing you can do is rest. You shouldn’t be pushing yourself to accomplish a million tasks every single day. You don’t want to bite off more than you can chew. You need to remember that you have value outside of the work that you do, the effort that you put in.
Capricorn, you consider yourself a realist, but at the same time, you hold yourself to incredibly high standards. You want to accomplish a million things every single day but that is just not possible. You’re not a superhuman, as much as you would like to think that you are. Remember, you need to be careful about how much you are putting on your plate at once. You don’t want to overwhelm yourself because if you take on too much, then you will feel like you are unsuccessful, even on the days when you’ve got a ton done.
Aries, you always need to be occupied or you start feeling restless. But you need to start growing more comfortable with constants. Just because you don’t have much going on in your life right now doesn’t mean that you are moving backward. Remember, success isn’t going to come to you overnight. Slow and steady wins the race, so stay persistent and consistent – and although this can be hard for an impulsive sign like you, try to stay patient too. You’re doing better than you think you are, so don’t stress so much.