4 Zodiacs Who Value Patience In Relationships
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5 Zodiacs Who Value Patience In Relationships


Aquarius aren’t always going to be transparent with their emotions. Sometimes, they need time to process what they’re feeling on their own before they open up and share those thoughts with you. They need a partner who isn’t going to push them to open up before they are ready, who never pressures them or guilt trips them into doing something that makes them uncomfortable. This sign is highly independent and used to living life on their own, so it can take a while for them to adjust to being in a serious relationship. They won’t always get it right at first, and they need a partner who accepts that and stays patient with them.


Scorpios are pretty pessimistic, so they will assume you’re going to hurt them until you give them a reason to stop thinking that way. They need a patient partner because they aren’t going to freely offer up their heart early in the relationship – and if someone pressures them into moving faster, they are going to shut down and shut this person out. They need time to get comfortable, and they don’t want to feel judged for needing this time. They want a partner who is there to support them every step of the way without making them feel bad about their baggage and doubts.


Taurus won’t want to settle down days after meeting. They need time to get to know you so that the trust can develop naturally. Otherwise, they are going to feel like everything is moving too fast for them to process. This sign needs a patient partner who isn’t going to rush them through the process or get annoyed with them for having doubts early on in the relationship. This other person can’t expect a Taurus to automatically trust them. They need to earn that trust. They need to devote plenty of time and energy into the relationship before a Taurus can start to feel safe.


Virgos are logical signs. Even when their heart is yearning for a special someone, they will listen to what their head is saying first. And their head is always warning them to slow down, to make sure this situation is safe before they fully commit. A Virgo needs a patient partner because they aren’t the type to make risky moves on a whim. They need to think through pros and cons. They need assurance that this person is right for them before they hand over their whole heart.


Sagittarius are hard workers who care deeply about their passions and career path. Their relationship won’t always be their main priority, so they need a partner who is patient with them, who understands that they won’t be able to spend twenty-four hours together and gives them space when they need it. A Sagittarius might not want to jump right into getting married and having children (if that’s even what they want at all) because they have other areas of their life to focus on, and they need a partner who is cool with that fact. Who doesn’t secretly resent them over it. Who is patient and understanding with them.