6 Concrete Signs Staying With Your Current Partner Will Ruin Your Life
Thought Catalog Agency

6 Concrete Signs Staying With Your Current Partner Will Ruin Your Life

You don’t want to end up with the wrong person, so don’t try too hard to make it work when the relationship is clearly unhealthy. Don’t stick with the wrong person for too long because sometimes the best thing you can do for each other is split apart. Here are some signs staying with your current partner is the wrong move, and could end up turning your life into something you never wanted it to become:

You’ve turned into someone you don’t like when you’re around them.

Your person should bring out the best in you. They should inspire you to become the most beautiful version of yourself, not the worst. If you feel lighter and happier whenever they leave the room, then it’s a sign you shouldn’t be with them. You deserve a person you enjoy spending time around because you like them — and you like who you are around them.

You’ve made sacrifices for them that you’re not entirely comfortable making.

Because you love them, you’ve been willing to make sacrifices for them. But you aren’t thrilled about those sacrifices. You’re starting to resent those sacrifices. Even if your partner appreciates what you’ve done for them or makes their own sacrifices to even out what you’ve done, that doesn’t mean you should stay together. There’s someone out there who will let you have it all. Who won’t expect you to sacrifice such huge pieces of your world for them.

You feel like you’re walking on eggshells around them.

You shouldn’t have to tiptoe around your partner or lie to them to avoid sparking arguments. You should be with someone you feel entirely comfortable opening up to, who you can let down your walls around and be your most authentic self. If you clam up around them because you don’t trust them to reahttps://collective.world/4-completely-valid-reasons-to-leave-a-relationship/ct appropriately to what you have to say, or because they make you feel small or guilty whenever you express an opinion, they aren’t right for you. You need someone you can speak to with confidence, without a filter.

You feel like your decisions are out of your control.

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been with your partner. Your body is still yours. Your mind is still yours. They don’t get to make decisions for you. They don’t get to control your every move. If you only wear what they want you to wear or eat what they want you to eat, they have too much power over you. And you need to leave.

Your heart is pulling you in a different direction.

If you are interested in dating someone else, and can’t stop thinking about that person, it’s unfair to stay with your current partner. They deserve someone who wants them and only them. And you deserve the person who really holds your heart.

You simply aren’t happy with them.

It doesn’t matter if this person is perfect for you on paper. If you aren’t happy with them, that’s enough of a reason to leave. You don’t need an extra excuse. You don’t need a sign. This is a big enough sign on its own.