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6 Concrete Signs You Might Be Blocking Your Manifestations

Are you feeling like you’ve been sending your desires out into the Universe, but they’re just not showing up on your doorstep? You’re not alone. We’ve all been there – eagerly envisioning our dream life, only to wonder why things aren’t falling into place as we hoped. But fear not, because there’s a twist to this manifestation game that’s often overlooked.

Let’s peel back the layers to understand why those manifestations might be playing a game of hide-and-seek instead of becoming your reality. 

Overthinking Every Little Thing

Who else is guilty of overthinking the how and the when? We all have those nights when we can’t sleep because we’re overanalyzing every tiny detail of our lives. But guess what? Overthinking actually tells the Universe that you don’t trust it to make things happen. So, next time you catch yourself spiraling down the rabbit hole of “what ifs,” take a deep breath and remind yourself that you’re capable of rolling with the punches.

Ignoring Your Gut Instincts

You know that little voice in your head? Not the one that reminds you to buy almond milk – I’m talking about your intuition. When you consistently ignore your gut feelings and rationalize them away, you’re pretty much saying, “Hey Universe, I don’t need your guidance.” And trust me, the Universe is always dropping hints, so don’t shut out those inner nudges.

Focusing on Lack

It’s so easy to slip into a habit of complaining about everything – from your job to the weather. But here’s the deal: negative vibes attract more of the same. When you’re stuck in a cycle of negativity, you’re basically telling the Universe that you’re cool with attracting more things to complain about. Shift your focus to gratitude and watch how things start to change.

Resisting Change

Life is all about growth and evolution. If you’re clinging onto the past and resisting change like your favorite pair of jeans that haven’t fit in years, you’re blocking new opportunities from coming your way. Embrace change as a chance to level up, even if it feels a little scary at first.

Comparing Yourself Non-Stop

Thanks to social media, it’s easy to get caught in the comparison trap. Constantly measuring your success against others can leave you feeling inadequate and unworthy. But remember, your journey is uniquely yours. Celebrate your wins – big or small – and focus on your own progress, rather than comparing it to someone else’s highlight reel.

Doubting Your Worthiness

Oh boy, this is a big one. If you don’t truly believe you’re deserving of the good stuff – whether it’s love, success, or happiness – you’re essentially waving away positive vibes. Remind yourself daily that you’re worthy of all the good that’s coming your way. Positive self-talk isn’t just a cliché; it’s a game-changer.