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6 Concrete Signs You’re Finally Ready To Move On

Some breakups are just harder than others. They gut you. They tear out your heart and you’re left as a husk. While you might want to move on, your tender heart isn’t ready yet. But how do you know when you’re actually ready? After all, if you move on too soon, you could get hurt all over again. Luckily, there are concrete signs that show you’re finally ready to move on. Look for these signs:

1. You’ve realized you haven’t thought about your ex in days or weeks or months.

It used to be every day. You’d think of them when you saw a certain flower or heard a certain song. You’d pass the park you had your first picnic date in or the corner where you had your first fight, and all those memories would come flooding back. Now? You haven’t thought of them in forever, and it feels like you’re finally free.

2. …And you haven’t cried in a long time, either.

In fact, you can’t even remember the last time you cried over your ex. All those tears have dried up, and if you do cry, it’s over cute kittens and YouTube videos of stray dogs getting makeovers. Your ex no longer holds that power over you.

3. You’re smiling more than you have in a long time.

And your friends have noticed. When you see them, they compliment you on how radiant you are. Finally the dull sadness has drifted away and you’re left shiny and new and full of life once more.

4. You aren’t resistant to getting set up by your friends.

Right after your breakup, friends and family were quick to try to set you up. They thought it might help you move on. Their hearts were in the right place, but you just weren’t ready yet. But now? Bring on all the dates!

5. You’re done plotting revenge.

Oh, you had some many tasty scenarios cooked up in your revenge-filled brain. You wanted your ex to hurt just as much as you had. And while you probably never would have fulfilled those revenge plots, that didn’t stop you from fantasizing about them. Luckily, that time is over, showing you’re ready to move on.

6. You can’t stop thinking about what the future holds.

You’re no longer stuck in the past, dreaming about what could have been or what you had done wrong. Instead, your focus has shifted to your future, and you’re excited for what’s to come.