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6 Concrete Signs You’re Over Dating (And Are Just Ready To Be In A Relationship Already)

Dating is tiring–at least for some of us. While they’re are people out there who thrive in the dating scene, going on first dates all the time and loving every minute of it, some of us just want to skip it all entirely. You have one bad date too many and now you’re ready to pack up and never date again. Are you one of the people who’s tired of dating but still wants the loving connection of a relationship? Here are your concrete signs:

The texting phase doesn’t excite you anymore.

Friends will say, “But isn’t it exciting?” And of course, you say no. The texting phase, figuring out if you like each other, getting the vibes–now it feels like work. You think to yourself, “Can’t we just skip this?”

You keep moving faster and faster.

And, because you’d rather skip “dating” and go straight to a relationship, you’re beginning to move at lightspeed. “Moving too fast” has become your specialty. Perhaps you’ll find someone else who moves at the same high speed as you, but until then you’ll happily scare everyone else away.

You’re no longer having fun.

You don’t understand the hype about dating anymore. Every time you try to meet someone new, it’s just stressful or annoying. Even reading romance or watching rom-coms has become annoying. And yet there you are, still fantasizing about a fully committed relationship.

You’re looking for any excuse to avoid making a move.

Despite wanting a relationship, the trouble of dating has kept you from actually initiating something when you do like someone. Sure, you could ask them out, but then you think of everything that comes directly after that and you feel exhausted.

You have the urge to just “put it all out there.”

When you do find yourself in the texting phase with someone, it’s hard to mellow out and go with the flow. Instead, you’d just rather interrupt and tell them how you feel or ask them how they feel about you. Why beat around the bush, right?

You’ve seriously considered giving up.

Every terrible dating experience. Every guy that ghosts you after one date. Every guy that texts you for ages without actually being upfront about what he wants. It all adds up, and every time it happens you get less and less likely to do it all over again. You’re deleting the apps. You’re giving non-comital responses when friends ask you how the dating scene is going. Even though you want to be in love, to have that relationship, you’re seriously thinking about giving up. Should you? Only you can make that decision, but I’ll tell you this: It’s a lot harder to find love when you give up on the process.