Yana Toyber

6 Powerful Ways To Embrace Your Dark Feminine Energy

The dark feminine is about empowerment. It’s about rebirth, shadow work, and releasing the past in order to come into your most authentic self. It’s about owning your power and reclaiming your body.

Here are some ways you can embrace this dark feminine energy:

Connect with your menstrual cycle.

A woman’s menstrual cycle is a time of pain, fear, shame, emotions “running wild,” and weakness. The menstrual cycle is more than that, though — it’s one of the greatest powers a woman can have. It is a birth, a death, and a rebirth cycle all happening inside you. It is a sacred time. When you reconnect with your cycle and even see how it aligns with the cycles of the moon, you will feel so much more empowered.

Spend time in nature.

If you’re in a dark feminine era, you might be honoring the dark goddess, who was all about healing, pain, release, and change. It is said that the dark goddess is the shadow self (or darker version) of Mother Nature. She is the earthquake, the tsunami, the forest fire. She is the very nature of life, death, and rebirth. Women feel so connected to nature simply because we are nature.

If you want to harness your dark feminine power, spend time in nature. Surround yourself in the trees, plant your feet in the dirt. Spend time by the ocean, feeling the wind in your hair and the sand between your toes. Connect with the world. Immerse yourself in it.

Practice self-love.

It’s hard to love ourselves sometimes. It’s hard to look past our flaws and quirks and it’s hard to not compare ourselves to others.

When you’ve tapped into your dark feminine energy, though, you learn to accept yourself for who you are. And then gradually, you will embrace it. Let go of everything and everyone that weighs heavy on you. Listen to your body and its needs — rest, food, and pleasure. Take the time and energy to understand what it means to truly feel at home and at peace in your body.

Honor your body and your sexuality.

This ties into the self-love practice. Not only are you comfortable with your body, but you’re fully embracing it.

Celebrate the female body and empower other women with body positivity. Remind yourself of your worth. Appreciate and accept your beauty and your talents. Allow yourself to follow through with your desires, feel pleasure, and harness the power of your sexuality and sensuality. Stop faking orgasms. Stop putting someone else’s pleasure before your own. Give your body the kindness and love you deserve.


Writing is a powerful tool. It can allow you to really communicate and explore your thought and feelings, especially when you’re feeling stuck. Open a blank page of your notebook and let the words flow freely. Or, try out some journal prompts. Journaling during a Full or New Moon is especially powerful, too.

Meet your shadow self and do the work.

You might have heard the term “shadow work” before. Shadow work is the act of uprooting and facing everything you’ve buried: your thoughts, emotions, desires, trauma, and shame. It’s about doing the inner work to heal these wounds. You’re healing that inner child and unleashing trapped life energies. When you do the work of facing and healing your shadow self, you are coming into your greatest, most authentic power.