7 Concrete Signs You’re Handling Your Breakup Better Than You Think
Sophia Sinclair

7 Concrete Signs You’re Handling Your Breakup Better Than You Think

Breakups are never easy to experience. You’re going to have moments where you feel absolutely terrible — but chances are, you’re handling the situation much better than you’re giving yourself credit for. Here are some signs you’re handling your breakup better than you think:

You’re tempted to text them — but are ignoring the urge.

It’s natural to want to reach out and talk to them. Every once in a while that urge is going to grow stronger. You’re going to daydream about what it would be like to speak to them again. But the fact that you’ve been resisting, that you are committed to going no-contact, is all that matters. You should be proud of yourself for living life without them, even if they’re on your mind every second of every day.

You understand why the breakup needed to happen.

And you understand that the relationship is really over instead of holding out hope that the two of you are going to get back together again. Although there might be moments when you miss them badly and wish you would have lasted a lifetime, you understand why that didn’t happen. You understand why you’re better off apart. You understand that even though this path is hard right now, it’s better for you both in the end.

You’re focusing your energy on areas other than love.

You realize that there’s so much more to life than your relationship status. Ever since the breakup, you have had more time to focus on your passions, your friendships, and yourself. You have been able to find other things that bring you happiness outside of your ex. Whether you’re spending time alone and relearning what makes you happy, or are busy chasing after a brand new dream, you should be proud of yourself.

You honestly wish your ex the best.

Sometimes, two people simply aren’t meant to be together. It doesn’t mean your ex is some horrible person. Maybe they’re just horrible for you. Saying you wish your ex the best is a powerful statement. It means you recognize you both deserve happiness, and you’re both better off with someone else.

You have felt sparks with someone new.

You might not be ready to open your heart up to someone new yet, but there have been little flirtatious moments here and there. There have been people who interest you, people who you’ve found yourself daydreaming about. This is important because it proves your ex wasn’t the only person for you. It proves you have the capacity to love someone new, even if you aren’t completely ready yet.

You’ve been focused on your own self-growth.

Ever since the breakup, you have been determined to better yourself. Whether that means changing your hair so you feel even more confident, or learning some new skills to embrace your independence, you should be proud of yourself. This isn’t about winning the breakup. It isn’t about making your ex regret what they’ve lost. This is about creating a life for yourself that makes you genuinely excited.

You genuinely believe you deserve better.

You’re slowly learning your worth. You’re slowly recognizing how much you bring to the table and what a wonderful partner you are. You might miss your ex, but you also realize you deserve so much better than your ex. And that’s something to celebrate.