7 Things You Should Never Feel Pressured Into In Your Relationship
Thought Catalog Agency

7 Things You Should Never Feel Pressured Into In Your Relationship

You should never feel pressured to get physical with them.

Don’t fool yourself into believing you have to hook up with someone. Don’t feel guilty for saying no when you’re not in the mood. Your partner isn’t entitled to your body, no matter how long you’ve been together, no matter how many nice things they’ve done for you. If you don’t want to hook up or cuddle or be touched, then let them know.

You should never feel pressured to give up your dreams.

You don’t have to pick between your career and your relationship, or your friends and your relationship, or your family or your relationship. You can have it all. If your partner tries to push you away from the other things that you love, it’s a red flag. You deserve someone who supports your dreams, not crushes them.

You should never feel pressured to marry them or have children with them.

You should only take these steps if they’re something you really want. Don’t get married or have children, just to please family members or to impress your friends or make your partner happy. Society might encourage you to do these ‘traditional’ things, but that doesn’t mean they’re the right decision for you personally, so make sure you’re doing them because it’s what you both feel is best.

You should never feel pressured to say those three little words.

You’re allowed to move at your own pace. Even though it might feel awkward when your partner says they love you and you don’t say it back, it’s better to wait until you really mean it to voice it out loud. It’s not fair to either of you if you lie to spare their feelings.

You should never feel pressured to hide your feelings.

Don’t hide how you’re feeling because you’re worried it will cause a fight or hurt your partner’s feelings. It’s important to be honest in relationships so you can grow as a couple. If you pretend everything is fine when you’re really upset, you’re missing out on the opportunity to connect on a deeper level. Even though voicing your frustration might feel worse in the short-term, it’s healthier in the long-run.

You should never feel pressured to lower your standards.

Don’t let your partner convince you that you’re asking for too much, that you’re being too greedy, that you should take what you can get. Even though you might love this person, it doesn’t mean they’re right for you. You deserve someone who is willing to put in the effort, who is happy to go above and beyond for you.

You should never feel pressured to continue the relationship.

Just because you’ve been together for a while doesn’t mean you need to stay together forever. You are allowed to leave at any point in time. Don’t feel like you’re stuck with them, like you owe them your heart. If the relationship isn’t working for you, then it’s better to walk away. Don’t force yourself to stick it out just because you have history.