7 Times When Love Doesn’t Matter
Love doesn’t matter when they’re treating you terribly. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together or how much they claim to care about you. If they aren’t able to treat you right, then their feelings for you don’t matter. Love doesn’t make up for the disrespect. Love doesn’t make up for the neglect. You deserve someone who treats you like they love you every single day, not only when it’s convenient or they are on an apology tour.
Love doesn’t matter when you want different things from your futures. If you disagree on huge things like where you want to set down roots or how many children you want to have, then it doesn’t matter how much you love each other. If you stay together, one person is going to be disappointed. One person is going to give up their dreams. One person is going to end up with regrets. Even though you might feel okay with the idea of sacrificing for them now, the right relationship won’t make you give up your biggest dreams.
Love doesn’t matter when there isn’t any trust. If you can’t trust your partner, the relationship is going to fall apart. You need to believe that your person has your best interest at heart, that they aren’t going to do anything that would hurt you. There’s nothing wrong with having general trust issues, but if you feel like this person cannot be trusted because of past (or present) behavior, then you deserve someone new.
Love doesn’t matter when you have too much terrible history. Sometimes, you can overcome your past problems and forgive each other. But sometimes, mistakes are too huge to forget. Sometimes, you can’t be together even though you love each other because things are never going to be the same. Things are never going to go back to the way they were before they crossed this uncrossable line. And that’s okay. Just because you love each other doesn’t mean you’re meant to be together.
Love doesn’t matter when you’re unwilling to put in the work. You need two people to make a relationship work. If one of you isn’t interested in putting in effort and is leaving the other person to do all the work, the relationship won’t last.
Love doesn’t matter when it’s not reciprocated. You don’t want to chase after someone who isn’t interested in you. You don’t want to be in a relationship where the feelings are one-sided. You deserve someone who is excited about spending their future with you. Someone who lovese you as deeply as you love them. Anything less is less than you deserve.
Love doesn’t matter when you don’t actually like each other. Your person is supposed to be your best friend. They’re supposed to be someone that you can confide in and laugh with on a daily basis. If you have strong feelings for them but cannot stand them because so many little things they do annoys you, then you shouldn’t be together. Your love cannot make up for your dislike.