8 Concrete Signs You And Your Partner Are Wildly Compatible
Here are 8 concrete signs you and your partner are wildly compatible.
You share values, lifestyle preferences, and interests.
Compatibility often revolves around things shared between you and your partner: values, hobbies, personal interests, and lifestyles. It’s not necessary to share everything with your partner — you can have different interests and hobbies. But so long as you have the same core values, fundamental principles, and lifestyles, then you have a strong, compatible connection.
You communicate properly and have effective conflict resolution.
Communication in a relationship is about talking to one another about real things and having deep, tough conversations. It’s about handling disagreements in a respectful, constructive way. It’s about communicating concerns, feelings, needs, and fears honestly and openly and listening and responding to one another openly and respectfully.
Healthy communication is crucial for any relationship. If you can handle conflicts and communicate openly and honestly, it’s a positive sign of compatibility.
There is mutual respect.
A healthy, compatible relationship allows for both people to feel respected and safe enough to express their feelings, concerns, boundaries, and emotions. A healthy, compatible relationship is when both parties respect each other’s needs and boundaries.
You’re emotionally compatible.
If you and your partner can empathize with each other’s feelings, be supportive and a good listener, and provide emotional support, it’s a positive indicator that you are emotionally compatible.
You’re not attached at the hip.
When two people are attached at the hip, it’s not necessarily an indication that they’re compatible and in love. In fact, it might really just be codependency and attachment.
A healthy, compatible relationship allows for independence. It creates a safe space for both partners to be apart. When there’s a balance between togetherness and independence, there is compatibility.
You’re sexually compatible.
Sexual compatibility is an important aspect of a romantic relationship. What do you like in the bedroom? What does your partner like in the bedroom? Are you both comfortable and willing and consenting to certain acts in the bedroom? If you both share similar attitudes and desires toward intimacy (and of course, have conversations about it), it can mean you’re quite connected and compatible.
You have similar long-term goals.
Relationships are not a little hobby to pass the time for a few months or a few years. Relationships are about being with someone long-term.
When you get into a relationship with someone, not only is it crucial to have similar interests and lifestyle preferences, but it’s even more important to share long-term goals. If you have similar values and dreams on marriage, family, and lifestyle preferences, then it’s a good sign you’re compatible.
You feel comfortable being yourself.
In a healthy, compatible relationship, you should feel accepted by your partner. You shouldn’t have to put on a facade and be someone you’re not. You should feel comfortable being your most authentic self around them.