Andrea Piacquadio

4 Zodiacs Who Struggle To Set Boundaries, But Absolutely Need Them


You overextend yourself like nobody’s business, Gemini.Your forgo meals and sleep, and any of your other personal needs for the benefit of others, all because you can’t properly communicate your own limits. Not having time, not feeling well, and not wanting to are all valid reasons to deny someone’s request. Creating space for your own self care won’t transform you into a selfish ogre who will never help anyone again, in fact, it will ensure you avoid the kind of burnout that can put you out of commission involuntarily. Boundaries aren’t barbed wire keeping any and everyone out, they are simply a delineation between all the facets of your full and rewarding life – work, friends, family, and yourself. Seeing where one starts and another ends is critical for navigation, just like lanes on a highway.


You are always giving everyone a second, third, or fourth chance, Scorpio, and that’s mainly because you’re too afraid to tell others the behavior you will and won’t tolerate. You can’t expect anyone to read your mind, and if you don’t communicate your expectations clearly, you’re bound for continued disappointment. You don’t have to apologize or be ashamed to ask for the bare minimum or outline your deal breakers. It’s the only way you’ll end up in the kind of healthy, happy, and rewarding relationships you long for. Your hurdle is believing you deserve the kind of treatment you are struggling to ask for, but once you do, articulating it will be a piece of cake. Then it’s simply a question of letting people respond the way they choose, and not being afraid to see their true colors.


You work yourself to the bone, and proudly, Capricorn, but even you deserve credit for your own ideas and efforts. You struggle to internalize your own value, to see the unique talents and qualities that allow you to consistently be a top performer. You’ve been so focused on applying these abilities toward your career, without questioning whether your employer or industry are the proper arenas for them to shine brightest. It could be that a side hustle or hobby may provide you more personal satisfaction and enjoyment, but you’ll never find out unless you carve out the time to explore other possibilities. Slamming your foot off the gas pedal is a waste in bumper to bumper traffic. Turn on the radio, roll down the window and enjoy the breeze. You are experienced enough to multitask.


You’ve been the group therapist for as long as you can remember, and someone should have offered you an advice column long ago, but your talent for comforting, consoling, and illuminating the way for others has increased demand for your services above the available supply. You have to draw a line between where other people’s problems end and your needs begin. You don’t have to respond to every text the second you receive it. You don’t have to stop everything you’re doing when your friend and their on-again-off-again partner break up like clockwork. You can keep reading your book or cooking dinner, or anything else you damn well please. You’re not getting paid for any of this after all, so stop acting like it’s your professional obligation to be available 24/7.