Leeloo The First

What You Can Expect Next In Your Love Life This February (Music Tarot Reading)

Each reading is titled with a different song and set of lyrics. Choose the song and lyrics that best resonate with you at this moment for answers as to what you can expect next in your love life this February. If more than one song resonates with you, then reading all three may provide more necessary insight.Β 

β€œTrouble” by Cage The Elephant

Lyrics: β€œWe were at the table by the window with the view. Casting shadows, the sun was pushing through. Spoke a lot of words, I don’t know if I spoke the truth. Got so much to lose. Got so much to prove. God, don’t let me lose my mind. Trouble on my left, trouble on my right. I’ve been facing trouble almost all my life. My sweet love, won’t you pull me through? Everywhere I look, I catch a glimpse of you. I said it was love and I did it for love, didn’t do it for you.” 

Your Cards: Knight of Pentacles, The Star, Four of Swords

I believe the Knight of Pentacles speaks to the line β€œGot so much to lose. Got so much to prove. God, don’t let me lose my mind.” The Knight of Pentacles is the β€œoutcast” of the knights. He doesn’t charge into action like the other knights. Rather, you can find the knight at home, protecting his space and those he loves most. He rarely leaves home and finds his purpose in protecting that foundation.

However, the Knight tends to overthink at times. This could refer to a lover of yours and a dynamic where you both want to make something work, yet one or both of you carry this weight of pain and heartbreak that may have ruined past relationships or opportunities in love. Just as the Knight would much rather keep his feet on the ground and think things through before charging into action, the person on your mind may feel the same way.

This message is even more apparent with the presence of the Four of Swords, which represents the need to wait and think things through before making any rash decisions or taking bold actions that could lead to failure. The Four of Swords illustration depicts a man lying down and staring up at the sky. Cautious and thoughtful of the choices he must make in time. There are so many things that can go wrong if he doesn’t play his cards right. The man in the picture is probably humming the lyrics, β€œTrouble on my left, trouble on my right. I’ve been facing trouble almost all my life.” If there is someone in particular on your mind, their thinking may be akin to this. So much has gone wrong in love for them before. Whereas at one point they were much more bold and open to the idea of intimacy and vulnerability, repeated heartbreaks and betrayal from their past is making it much more difficult for them to proceed forward with you.Β 

This is a love that cannot be rushed. It’s a love that requires patience. This person’s heart has scars that are still somewhat fresh. As the song continues, he sings β€œMy sweet love, won’t you pull me through? Everywhere I look, I catch a glimpse of you. I said it was love and I did it for love, didn’t do it for you.” The Star card represents this line here. This person sees you as a sign of hope. A sign of new beginnings. A sign that perhaps things won’t turn out as bad. With your courage and gentle nature, you may be the one who can help them overcome their fears but if they’re going to proceed forward, it has to be something they do for themselves and not just for you.Β 

There is strong potential in this connection, but it may take a lot of patience and waiting. You can’t put a deadline on this otherwise it might push the other person away. If you’re willing to see it through, you may both find yourselves in a steady and committed partnership with lots of room for growth. However, there is the danger that they could project their fears onto you and push you away. Though they care, don’t forget that you deserve someone who is sure of you and isn’t going to keep you waiting. I wouldn’t say that you should cut your losses, give up, and move on, but to be honest I wouldn’t necessarily hold my breath either. Their traumas might be too much to overcome and it isn’t your responsibility to heal them.Β 

β€œAs We Go Along” by The Monkees

Lyrics: β€œI can tell by your face that you’re looking to find a place, to settle your mind and reveal who you are. And you shouldn’t be shy, for I’m not gonna try, to hurt you or heal you or steal your star. Open your eyes, get up off your chair, there’s so much to do in the sunlight. Give up your secrets and let down your hair, and sit with me here by the firelight. Why think all about who’s gonna win out? We’ll make up our story as we go along.”

Your Cards: The Emperor, Seven of Cups, The World

Whoever this person is that is on your mind or this connection you two share, it’s almost as if they are the singer and they’re addressing you in these lyrics. In a way, you represent The Emperor. He is logical, rational, and tends to think with their head but at the worst of times, this prevents him from listening to his heart when the occasion requires it. He sings β€œI can tell by your face that you’re looking to find a place, to settle your mind and reveal who you are… Give up your secrets and let down your hair, and sit with me here by the firelight.” You seem to be holding back in this connection. You’re rather cautious and are afraid of getting hurt like you have in the past. And as a result, you have these walls put up that the other person can sense. But they want you to know that they’re not the person who hurt you in the past. The past is in the past. They want you to take this leap of faith with them and to trust that things will be different. That they are different.Β 

I understand how scary being vulnerable can be, especially if in the past, certain lovers had taken that for granted. With the Seven of Cups present, you may have found yourself repeating certain patterns and attracting partners who are more or less a copy of one another. The Seven of Cups could also indicate that there is someone from your past that you are still holding on to and secretly hoping will eventually come around. You may still be in contact with this person and are currently holding out on hope that it will work out yet knowing deep down inside that by being with them, it’ll only repeat the cycle you so desperately are trying to avoid.

The Seven of Cups can represent illusions. It talks about our inability to see clearly at times just like the lyrics β€œOpen your eyes, get up off your chair, there’s so much to do in the sunlight.” You’re in this place that is shadowed by the clouds of your past and it’s not allowing you to see the potential that lies just ahead in the distance with this new connection. But if you open your eyes, see things more clearly, and break free of the illusions present in the Seven of Cups, then you may start to see the sunlight breaking through the clouds in the distance. You’re so concerned with what could go wrong and ignoring all that could go right.Β 

This month you are being pushed in a new direction that you have yet to traverse ever before. This could be the end of fighting for the love you deserve, and the beginning of finally accepting the love that you deserve. Don’t worry about what has happened in the past. There awaits something new here. Focus on now and not on what could go wrong. Just as the final line of the lyrics says, β€œWe’ll make up our story as we go along.” You think you’ve read this story over and over again and that you know how things will go and how it will eventually end, but you’re wrong this time. The World card indicates completion and is a sign of new beginnings as you cross this threshold a completely different person from who you were in the past. This time around, you’ll get to write a new story with this person only if you’re willing to start over again, let go of the past, let go of those people who are good for you, and give this new budding romance a chance.Β 

β€œAin’t No Mountain High Enough” by Diana Ross

Lyrics: β€œI know you must follow the sun, wherever it leads. But remember, if you should fall short of your desires, remember life’s holds for you. One guarantee, you’ll always have me. And if you should miss my lovin’ one of these old days. If you should ever miss the arms that used to hold you so close, or the lips that used to touch you so tenderly, just remember what I told you the day I set you free. Ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough, ain’t no river wild enough, to keep me from you.”

Your Cards: Six of Cups, Knight of Wands, Death

You may be nearing the end of a beautiful connection that just can’t work at this current moment. Perhaps one or both of you is not in the right place. Or there may be insinuating circumstances where someone is being called by life to move in a different direction that is best for them. In other words, this may be a matter of β€œright person, wrong time”. It seems that for whatever reason, despite how much potential there is and how much you and this person care for one another, you’re both just unable to compromise and make it work. And that’s okay. Just as the lyrics say β€œI know you must follow the sun, wherever it leads.” It is important that you both do what is best for you both as individuals. You know what is right and must follow that calling, wherever it leads you to live a truly fulfilling life.

There are certain things we shouldn’t have to compromise on if it means sacrificing what matters most to us as individuals. Choosing the other person over ourselves will only lead to resentment later down the line, so it seems that it might be best for you both to let one another go. With the Six of Cups, there is a beautiful connection and story that you two have written together. There are many memories you both hold dearly and despite it not working out, you’ll never have to see these memories ruined or tainted by a bad falling out or a toxic breakup.

At the very least, you two will always appreciate one another and what you have and accept the fact that it just wasn’t meant to be, at least for right now. But as Diana sings, β€œRemember life’s holds for you. One guarantee, you’ll always have me.” In other words, you two will still always have one another no matter what. They will always be there to pick you up when you’re down, it may just not be within the context of a relationship but more so in a platonic way. You will love each other from a distance.Β 

With the Death card, you both need to transform yourselves as individuals to progress and grow into better people. The Death card refers to transformation and rebirth but for one to let go of the bad parts, that also means sacrificing and letting go of the good parts for the sake of growth. Though it may be hard and painful right now, there are so many blessings and opportunities that lie on the other side. The Knight of Wands is urging you to not let yourself feel held back, even though you both love each other and care for one another. Accept this call to action and don’t let it pass you by.

There is something that you should know that might make it easier to let go. Just as Diana Ross sings β€œIf you should ever miss the arms that used to hold you so close, or the lips that used to touch you so tenderly, just remember what I told you the day I set you free. Ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough, ain’t no river wild enough, to keep me from you.” Find peace in the fact that if it was meant to be, it will be.

Right now, this separation is what was meant to be and you will find out soon enough, that it was better this way. And though you may not see it right now, there is still a strong potential for you both to find your way back to each other without even trying. There is a good chance that this separation is only temporary (but don’t hold yourself back and close yourself off to other opportunities. Live your life). This is a strong connection and if you allow yourself to fully let go, live presently in the moment, accept the situation for what it is, and carry on, you may unintentionally find your way back to one another when the time is truly right. Because you’ll always have a place in their heart, and they’ll always have a place in yours. This month may not be about saying β€œgoodbye” but rather about saying β€œsee you later”.Β