Ron Lach

Your Weekly Chinese Horoscope: March 2-February 8, 2025

Ruled by the modest Wood Pig, this is a good week to work with others and donate time to charitable causes. Being a member of a team eases resentment and insecurity. This isn’t a good time to sign contracts, though, as adversaries will try to take advantage of anyone they perceive as easygoing and naïve. Refuse to be pressured into entering agreements until mid-March. Brisk daily exercise is critical to counteract the effects of binge eating and drinking.


Attend as many social gatherings as possible, as your chances for making money are greatly enhanced through interpersonal connections. You are poised to get lots of business through word-of-mouth referrals; you can’t buy that kind of publicity. If you’re looking for a job, touch base with former colleagues who appreciate your talent. One or two will alert you to promising positions. 


Several good career opportunities are available. If you’re happy with your current job, take this opportunity to ask for a raise or additional vacation time. Your employer will be happy to agree to your demands. Beware of being too pushy with your romantic partner, though. Insisting on getting your way could result in a terrible fight or even a breakup. Meet your beloved in the middle whenever possible. 


You’re feeling especially lusty this week, much to the delight of your romantic partner. If your other half lacks passion, it may be time to part ways. You’re not the type who can contain your urge to merge. A public speaking engagement will go very well. Your audience will find you dynamic, charming, and interesting. Keep your remarks brief; it’s always best to leave everybody wanting more. 


Beware of biting off more than you can chew. Your boss may be eager to hand you more responsibilities, but don’t take the bait. Unless your employer is prepared to pay you a lot more, you should maintain your current workload. When it comes to love, resist the urge to give everything to your partner without expecting anything in return. Feel free to become a lot more demanding.


Doing battle for someone you love will be tremendously rewarding. Whether you confront a child’s bully, challenge a toxic colleague, or champion a friend’s dream, your brave stance will make a positive impact. If you’re single, be prepared to attract lots of romantic attention. People find your courageous attitude to be extremely sexy. Feel free to bask in their admiration; you’ve earned it!


You can afford to take it easy this week. Although you’re always ambitious, it’s important to take regular breaks from work. Otherwise, you’ll crash and burn at the exact moment when you need to render an impressive performance. Spending time with your favorite person is strongly advised. Connecting with this individual will bring out the best in you and may inspire a brilliant idea for making money. 


Your creativity is soaring this week. Pour it into a project that speaks to your heart. This could be anything from writing a book to decorating a room to building a fun routine. Whatever you produce will cultivate health, wealth, and happiness. There’s a good possibility you will have to abandon thankless tasks to have enough energy for the work you love. Go for it!


People will approach you for all sorts of favors. While it’s nice to be recognized for having a good heart, you must be selective about the help you provide. Someone who continually relies on you for loans, emotional support, and practical help needs to be cut off. Otherwise, your friendship will be destroyed by resentment. You shouldn’t have to deprive yourself of resources to earn someone else’s affection. 


Despite your friendly attitude, you are very selective about the company you keep. Your ability to spot manipulators keeps you out of trouble this week. Friends will be dismayed to discover you don’t trust a smooth-talking individual who is undeniably charming. Stand your ground and keep this individual at arm’s length. Within a few months, they’ll show their true colors, which won’t be pretty. 


You’ve got plenty of advice, but not everyone is willing to hear it. Only venture your opinion when people ask for it. This will help you maintain positive relationships in both your personal and professional lives. By focusing on accomplishing as much work as possible, you’ll be in an enviable position by the end of the week. There’s a strong possibility you’ll make a good bit of extra spending money, thanks to your increased efficiency. 


You’re not willing to forgive and forget. Contrary to popular belief, there’s nothing inherently noble about letting abusive people off the hook. Instead of wasting any more time and energy on a malignant narcissist, cut ties and keep your distance. Don’t let friends pressure you into maintaining such relationships for the sake of propriety. Your first allegiance is to yourself. Only associate with people who lift your spirits and feed your soul.


You’re the most popular sign in the zodiac, so take advantage of it! This is a great time to interview for a job, audition for a role, or go on a first date. If you’re in a committed relationship, take this opportunity to ask your beloved for an extravagant gift or big favor. They’ll find it impossible to resist your charm. If you’ve been thinking about getting a pet, this is a great week to do so. You’re sure to find an animal who touches your heart.