3 Intense Signs You’re About To Meet Your Soulmate (According To Tarot)
The Lovers
Of course, the Lovers are going to be the brightest sign when it comes to romantic tarot cards. The Lovers come together when your relationship is in alignment; they signify that you may have found someone who meets your values, who you can stand by authentically and loves deeply. The Lovers represents the ideal relationship. This may signify a future potential for both of you, or it could signal that you have reached true bliss if you’ve been in a relationship for a long time.

Two of Cups
The Two of Cups is all about partnership. Your emotional cups are literally being filled by each other; you are deeply bonded with your partner and your energies are aligned with one another. The Two of Cups is often considered to be a soulmate card by many tarot readers; if you and your partner pull this card frequently, it could be a good sign for both of you.
The Empress
The Empress is another positive card to receive if you’re wondering whether you’ve found your soulmate. The Empress is a nurturer, and she’s often said to signify true and healthy love. The Empress brings about secure, deep romance; love that is built on connection and partnership that is long-lasting. If you’re in a healthy and stable relationship, the Empress could be signifying that your relationship’s security is positive for both of you.

Your Partner’s Birth Card
You might see your partner’s birth card pop up frequently if the two of you are meant to be. You may not recognize it at first, but be on the lookout for it to appear during certain situations. It could come at times when you need reassurance, at meaningful points in your relationship, or when you and your partner are