Justinas Ribakauskas

3 Zodiac Signs Manifesting New Beginnings This Aries Season

On Thursday, March 20, the Sun moves into the sign of Aries, and while each entrance into a new zodiac season holds the potential of new beginnings, Aries holds particular significance as the very first sign of the zodiac that kicks off with the spring equinox.

Aries season marks the beginning of spring, the return of life after the slumber of winter as nature begins to come alive again, sparking inspiration and new beginnings within us as well. Aries season also brings us to the entrance into a new cycle through the zodiac, acting a bit like an astrological ‘new years.’

This particular Aries season is full of astrological significance–we enter the season with the continuation of Venus and Mercury retrograde, both of which started in Pisces season, we have a solar eclipse in Aries, bringing about major change and the closure of a chapter as the last installment of the Aries-Libra eclipses of the last two years, AND we’ll see Neptune cross into Aries after spending the last 14 years in the sign of Pisces. The astrology of this Aries season marks major thresholds that close out old chapters and carry us forward into new ones, and new chapters means opportunities to manifest new beginnings.

These major astrological moments will affect all 12 signs, presenting opportunities to set new intentions, determine what’s no longer working, and find realignment as we step into new chapters. However, there are three signs whose lives will COMPLETELY change this Aries season. The following three signs are stepping into new eras and have the opportunity to manifest the new beginnings they’ve been longing for this Aries season…


Of course this time of year is always important for you, Aries, but this year’s Aries season is a BIG one. Over the last couple of years the Aries-Libra eclipses have been rocking your world, and as the north node of fate and destiny has been moving through your sign, you’ve been presented with important, challenging lessons that have ultimately been pointing you down the path you’re meant to be going down. This Aries season brings us to the culmination of those storylines as we come to a major solar eclipse in Aries that closes out these storylines. As you prepare to close this chapter of your life, it’s time to think about where the underlying current of the last couple of years has been carrying you, and what it means for the direction you want to take your own path from here. Additionally, Neptune, the planet of imagination, spirituality, creativity, and dreams will be moving into your sign this Aries season. Neptune spends about 14 years in each sign, which means this is the beginning of a new, long-term chapter of embracing your greatest dreams and leaning into the more mystical aspects of life.


We’re coming out of a very heightened and active Pisces season whose energy is carrying strongly into Aries season. Even though we’ve reached the end of your season, Pisces, Aries season continues to bring you potent opportunities to manifest new beginnings. This Aries season starts off with Venus shifting back into your sign as it moves retrograde, inviting you to revisit anything that felt important at the start of the year throughout January but that might not have come to fruition, especially when it comes to creative projects, relationships, and romantic connections. Shortly after Venus backs into your sign, Mercury follows on its own retrograde path, which means that for you the first half of Aries season is calling for you to rethink things when it comes to your desires, values, routines, and how you go about your day to day. At the end of March you’ll be entering a completely new era as Neptune, who has been in your sign since 2011, shifts into Aries. While Neptune is great when it comes to creativity, imagination, and spirituality, it also tends to cast a foggy haze in the spaces it occupies, creating confusion and uncertainty. With the north node of destiny also having freshly entered your sign this year, you may find that by the time we reach the end of this Aries season you’re feeling connected to and clear about your path in life in ways you haven’t felt in a long time. Towards the end of Aries season both Venus and Mercury will be stationing direct and moving forward in your sign, bolstering a big, motivational push forward with some much needed confidence and clarity and vision of the direction forward.


Libra, for you things have probably been feeling pretty uncomfortable and frictional since Venus, your chart ruler, entered Aries, and then stationed retrograde here. However, this Aries season kicks off with your planet moving back into Pisces, and while the continued retrograde does mean a bit things are still up for review, Venus is significantly more comfortable in Pisces than Aries, which means you stand to fall into a stronger groove with understanding what exactly needs reevaluating for you. This Aries season as a whole marks a big moment for you when it comes to relationships, as you close out one big chapter and enter a new one. A MAJOR eclipse in Aries is closing out a deeply impactful chapter in your life that has been unfolding since spring of 2023, and the very next day Neptune, the planet of spirituality, fantasy, and imagination moves into Aries. Our solar eclipse in Aries marks out the closing of a period of major change that has likely required you to let go of things that weren’t working anymore and get real with yourself about what direction you truly need to be heading, while Neptune’s entrance into Aries marks the beginning of a new era of embracing fantasy and imagination when it comes to your relationships. Just be mindful of looking at things through rose-colored glasses because the haze of Neptune can sometimes keep us from seeing reality as it is. This Aries season also brings us to a full moon in your sign, bringing about a big opportunity for you to release the old and commit to the new, particularly centering your own healing journey and your most potent, personal gifts you have to offer others. Finally, as we reach the end of Aries season, your ruler, Venus, will be moving forward once again, bringing a much needed push of motivation and forward movement.