What Your Birthstone Is (+ How To Harness Its Power In Your Everyday Life)
Everyone has a birthstone, based on the month they were born in. It’s likely to even know your own birthstone—but did you know that each gem has hidden powers behind them? Crystal healers have been using these stones for centuries for their physical, mental, and emotional properties. So when you’re wearing a piece of jewelry with your birthstone, or even just checking one out in a store, you’re actually unwittingly absorbing some of its magic.
Here’s the secret power you derive from your birthstone—and how you can make the most of it.
January: Garnet

Garnet is often used for rejuvenating and reinvigorating the mind, body, and spirit. When you wear one or keep one close, it can make you feel confident and sure of your place in the world—something many people struggle with. Confidence can get you far in life, opening doors where there seemingly isn’t any and helping you gain friends and allies along the way. If you were born in January, use your birthstone to channel this positive and passionate energy when you’re embarking on a new endeavor or going through uncertain times—it will help you feel ready to take on whatever is up ahead.
February: Amethyst

Amethyst is believed to calm the mind, balance the spirit, and even protect you from malevolent forces. If you were born in February, keeping this birthstone close helps you strengthen your intuition and connect with your creative force. It gives you the power to ward off negative feelings and maintain peace even under pressure, allowing you to listen to your gut and trust what it has to say. Use your birthstone when you’re faced with difficult situations or are struggling with heavy emotions—it can help you find your way back to yourself.
March: Aquamarine

Aquamarine is well-known for its ability to give you mental and emotional clarity, as well as aiding your communication skills. It helps you see the truth of otherwise murky situations and can help give you the right words to navigate them successfully. If you were born in March, keep this stone close when you’re faced with nuanced or confusing situations, because not only will it give you the ability to cut through the BS and enhance your ability to deal with it diplomatically, but it will also calm your anxiety surrounding the drama, allowing you to move through any hardship nearly unscathed.
April: Diamond

Not only are diamonds known to bring clarity to situations (unsurprising, due to their transparent nature), but they also benefit committed partnerships and symbolize loyalty. It can help you attract partners who are truly in it for the long haul, while also helping you sniff out those who might not be very truthful to you. If you were born in April, keep this birthstone close when it comes to situations of the heart, specifically romantic love. It will help you manifest true love and discern the right person from the wrong one, giving you clearer insight into what you want than ever before.
May: Emerald
Emeralds are directly linked to our emotional center, the place in our bodies where we cultivate love, empathy, and compassion. It promotes pure, unconditional love for others, but also for ourselves, and for that, it’s been nicknamed “the stone of lasting love.” If you were born in May, keep this gem close when dealing with interpersonal relationships or when you’re feeling particularly hard on yourself. It will give you the power of healing what’s been broken and strengthening the bonds between you and others.
June: Pearl

Pearls are one of the wisest birthstones. Not only does it help you look inward and connect with your intuition, it also also helps you maintain a sense of peace and positivity, even in uncertain times, and can help you manifest sincerity and clarity into your life. If you were born in June, keep this birthstone close when you need to connect with your inner wisdom and intuition or feel you could benefit from a sense of grace—it will allow you to act authentically, identify what isn’t good for you, and choose the path of inner peace.
July: Ruby

Rubies are known for their revitalizing powers—they make you feel refreshed and can spark a renewed sense of passion and fortitude within you. They’re perfect for when you need to reconnect with your sense of self or a boost in self-confidence. If you were born in July, keep this birthstone nearby when you’re going through a broken heart or similar hardships—it props up your sense of self and empowers you, making you remember that even when going through a difficult situation, you’re still a worthy person, and there is still so much out in the world waiting for you.
August: Peridot

Peridot is a crystal known for its transformation properties, helping you facilitate change but also navigate unexpected developments. But more than that, it also helps you mitigate the anxiety and overwhelm these changes might make you feel, making you feel more balanced and clearheaded. If you were born in August, keep this birthstone close when you have a bad habit you’ve struggled to overcome, when you’re facing an uncertain new path, or when you’re just ready to manifest a new life chapter—it gives you the power to both navigate these changes, as well as create new ones when you’re ready to.
September: Saphire

Blue sapphire quickens the mind and strengthens intuition. Not only does it promote wisdom, but it also brings positivity into all aspects of your life, making it perfect for manifesting auspicious outcomes. If you were born in September, keep this stone close when you’re feeling particularly negative about life or if you feel like you’re at a crossroads—this stone will help you see the things you might have otherwise overlooked and to attract positive energy, bringing about the outcomes that will ultimately work in your favor and bring you happiness.
October: Opal

Opal is often used by healers for its purifying qualities, cleaning out bad or old energy to make room for new, positive ones. It also amplifies emotions and creativity, as well as bringing about a healthy sense of self-worth. If you were born in October, keep this stone close when you’re struggling to feel happy with yourself or when you feel like you’re holding on to too much baggage—it will bring you a sense of peace, reconnect you with a more authentic version of yourself, and help you let go of what no longer serves you.
November: Topaz

Topaz is known as the stone of truth and inner wisdom. Not only does it connect you with your intuition, but it also promotes emotional balance and boosts self-esteem. If you were born in November, keep this birthstone close when you’re feeling self-doubt or when you want to manifest abundance—it will help you feel good about yourself, make you feel revitalized, and lead you toward the path of success.
December: Turquoise

Turquoise has cleansing qualities that rids of and protects you from negative energy. It also helps you communicate yourself authentically, reducing anxiety around speaking your truth and helping you break out of mental ruts. If you were born in December, keep this birthstone close when you you need extra protection from people who want the worst for you or when you struggle to live as the real, true you—you will absorb the power to be the person you were meant to become and to deflect any bad vibes that come your way.