4 Zodiacs Who Naturally Attract Their Desires
Don’t chase, attract! When it comes to the art of manifestation, some people are just naturally more attractive than active. These four zodiac signs are super magnetic and tend to draw their dreams and desires towards them with seemingly little to no effort. They are masters at attracting.
Read on to find out if you’re one of them, and what you can do to increase your power of attraction.
With a steadfast and easy-going nature, you can take life as it comes. It also means that you receive a little more than the average-Joe. Unlike the majority of the population you aren’t so wrapped up in all of the things you have yet to do— when you relax you actually take the time to rest. Being in this state lets the Universe know you are content, but ready for more. This leaves you recharged and refreshed, able to seize the opportunities that pass you by. When you do put any effort out, it’s in a methodical, well thought out way, so your efforts tend to pay off well after the actual work is done. Ruled by charming and captivating Venus, you have an aura that draws in whatever you desire.As someone who does regular vibe checks, keeping your personal frequency high also sends the message that you’re ready for more abundance. So, keep being “lazy” because it actually works out for you.
With a pure heart, piercing intuition and profound understanding of emotions — to some it appears you’ve got the world on a string, although you might not always see it that way. Given your strong connection to your heart space, you’re so intune with what your soul is longing for. What comes so naturally to you is half the battle for others when it comes to the art of manifestation. Not only do you know what you truly desire, as a Moonchild you are able to feel it, to sense what it’s like to achieve it. While you may label this as daydreaming and unproductive, it’s actually pretty powerful. When you put your emotional vibration out, the Universe has no choice but to match it. Others may call you sensitive and clingy, but it’s those two things that attract what you want the most— and they’re just jealous you have the ability to do so. Your open heart carries your wants and needs to you like a current in the ocean.
Let’s be honest Leo, your presence is very hard to ignore. Ruled by the Sun you are not one to shy away from taking some bold action— it’s in your outgoing nature to put your best foot forward, BUT sometimes when you don’t get the results you want it can be a disheartening blow. You’ll never stop being the center of attention, however, you can use the attention you receive to attract your desires, by simply spreading a little inspiration and generosity. Considered the “King” of the zodiac, always keep in mind that there is regal energy in your roots. A good leader is kind, giving and loving, so your natural warmth is both magnetic and inviting. All you have to do is be your authentic self, while sharing your light for everyone you meet. In return, they’ll give you the world on a silver platter. No forcing, or physical effort needed, just your desire meeting you for aligning with your soul’s purpose.
You are more connected to the universal frequency than you care to admit. Ruled by all-seeing Neptune, you’re just naturally intune with the rhythms that rule our world. While this can sometimes feel like an overload, you can also use it to your advantage. When you align with the flow, it all effortlessly comes to you. Living in resistance to the way you are designed only blocks the blessings from entering. You have the ability to directly communicate with the Universe or a higher power. What you ask for gets heard, all you have to do is hold up your end of the bargain and answer the call. It’s important for you to retreat into solitude from time to time and preferably pick-up some sort of spiritual practice, because this is where the clearest conversations take place. You are open to many possibilities, and this alone makes you susceptible to attracting not just what you want, but what you need.