4 Zodiacs Who Are Going Through A Lot This Virgo Season
Polina Tankilevitch

4 Zodiacs Who Are Going Through A Lot This Virgo Season

Virgo season has only just begun – but some signs are already going through a lot. They’re already feeling stressed. Here are some zodiacs who are going through quite a bit this Virgo season:


Since this is your season, every little thing that goes wrong feels amplified because you were originally so excited for this time of the year. Unfortunately, things don’t always work out the way you plan. Sometimes, situations go wrong even though you’ve done everything right, even though you planned as best as you could. As much as you love taking control, you have to accept that you don’t have power over everything that happens to you – or the people in your world. You can only control yourself, so try to make the best out of bad situations. Try not to let the disappointments you face this season ruin your good mood too much. There are still reasons to celebrate!


Virgo season is all about challenging yourself. It’s about leaving your comfort zone and taking on new opportunities. Since you’re way more comfortable sticking to a routine, Virgo season has been a little rough on you. You’ve been forced to step into roles that you weren’t entirely prepared to take on. You’ve been met with more stress than you were expecting or realistically prepared to handle. However, you can get through anything. You’ve proven this to yourself in the past. You are stronger than you believe and this season will be your reminder. Even though you might feel like you’re falling apart right now, you’ve got this.


Capricorn, you’re no stranger to hard work. You always put in as much effort as possible, and this Virgo season will be no different. You will keep pushing yourself to succeed, to get further in your career, to be the perfect partner and friend. However, you shouldn’t put too much pressure on yourself. The reason you’ve been so exhausted this Virgo season is because you put a million things on your plate at once. You never say no because you don’t want to disappoint anyone. You want to do it all. But it’s okay to rest. It’s healthy to slow down. You can still reach your goals with baby steps. You don’t want to end up running on fumes because you went too hard too fast.


Virgo season has already been a lot for you to handle. You’ve been going through more than most people realize. You’ve been facing problems that you haven’t even begun to address. But you can’t keep hiding from your problems forever. You need to address them. You need to work toward solutions instead of procrastinating because waiting could only make the issues worse. Even though this might feel like a lot to handle right now, you’re going to make it through feeling better than before. You know what you’re doing. You are smarter than you give yourself credit for, so stop doubting yourself. Believe in yourself. Have confidence in yourself. There’s nothing you can’t handle.