11 Divorce Lawyers Reveal The Wildest Reasons Couples Break Up
Anthony Tran

11 Divorce Lawyers Reveal The Wildest Reasons Couples Break Up

“I was a legal assistant when this case came in, but this lady divorced her husband of two months because he got her an iPad case for her birthday instead of the expensive jewelry she wanted.” — salamanderlemons

“I was interning at the time, but my favorite was a couple filed because they BOTH came out as homosexual. Filed for irreconcilable differences… Seemed amicable though.” — Rnc88

“I’ve had a lot of younger male potential clients come in for divorce consults with their mother. Then, during the consult, the mother does 98% of the talking, and it’s clear who actually wants the divorce. (I’ll usually escort Mom to wait in the lobby while I talk to the son directly, and most of the time he’s just there to appease his mother.)” — Elle_Woods

“I worked as a paralegal for a divorce lawyer. Case analysis was one of my main responsibilities. I shit you not. A recently married couple (of 2 years) broke it off because the husband would not stop feeding the dog. The dog got heavy. Apparently she saw connection between the dog and future children.” — Bing-Wallace

“A couple got divorced over a cat. Wife called cat Snowball because of white fur and only wanted the cat to eat wet food or chicken breast. Husband called cat Lily again because of white fur and believed it should only eat dry food. These two argued for a year over custody of the cat but did not give a shit about their human kids aged 15 months, 4 years, and 6 years old.” — sxcamaro

“Paralegal here. Still remember an early case I worked on, man divorced his wife for her Bingo Addiction. 10 to 12 times per week she went to bingo. She was 82 he was 86. But the all time greatest, two 20-somethings, they were irreconcilable because he kept smoking her weed stash when she wasn’t home.” — [deleted]

“The wife had glued all of the outdoor hoses together so he wouldn’t spend more time washing his vehicle anymore. When the glue didn’t work she just cut them all up. When he bought new ones, he filed for divorce.” — amazinglymorgan

“Every morning this couple would sit in the bathroom together while one of them had their morning dump. One would sit on the toilet and the other on the rim of the bathtub. This particular morning the wife was on the toilet and husband on the edge of the tub. They started to argue about their relationship so the wife reaches down, pulls her tampon out and flings it at husband. I’m told the tampon stuck for a brief second to his forehead before sliding off. He filed for divorce that same day or the next.” — terry_thegnome

“He had an argument with the new in-laws during the wedding and moved out at around 5 am during the first night.” — apolloxer

“My dad was a divorce lawyer. He had a client who wanted to divorce her husband for two reasons: 1. He did not have enough hair on his chest. 2. He did not drive fast enough. Keep in mind this was in the 70’s when chest hair was a bit more important.” — Bodhi_ZA

“This is more sad than outrageous, but some of my colleagues specialize in elder law and more people than you’d think get ‘divorced’ on paper in the US in order to receive medicare benefits without having to lose their home.” — PleasePardonThePun