13 Ways To Tell Whether He’s A Waste Of Time
“Manners, manners, manners. I cannot stress this enough, if you can’t say please and thank you, we cannot interact with each other. A small thank you to the waitress when she clears the table. A please when ordering, holding the door open for the person behind you. Queuing! I love people who queue up politely and don’t push. Cheers for the brew! Manners are a verbal lightening bolt of a good person. I’ve yet to meet an arsehole who uses them.” — VelvetDreamers
“Lack of respect for other people’s property. If someone is the type of person who will key a car, I want nothing to do with them.” — [deleted]
“As a hard and fast rule, anything positive someone uses to describe themselves is something they’re trying really hard to convince themselves and others that they are. We are usually modest about our own qualities. ‘I’m a nice guy’ = asshole. Almost always guaranteed.” — Triseult
“Inconsistent treatment of others. If they’re really nice to me, but rude to other people, clearly they’re putting on a front to get something. Poor treatment of wait staff or their parents are a good early hint.” — HexoftheZen
“If they have to dominate a conversation, not letting anyone else get a word out, or completely ignore other people’s opinions or points. Typically assholes.” — [deleted]
“Consistently late to plans they helped make. If we’re friends and you value your time more than you value mine, we’ll probably not be friends long.” — Zfusco
“They laugh at people who are different from them, but not at themselves or their kind.” — [deleted]
“Judging and labeling people off before actually getting to know them.” — nobody16
“Littering. It’s simple, you gain nothing by throwing something in a bin. It’s the simplest form of respect for society.” — [deleted]
“You walk up to someone’s desk to tell them something and they don’t respond. You say it again to make sure they heard you because they’ve done nothing to acknowledge you. They still say nothing, so you say, ‘Did you hear me?’ They respond ‘yep.’ They see no need to acknowledge someone has spoken to them unless there was a direct question asked. Rude and douchey….” — [deleted]
“People that constantly use insults as humor. I have a friend who makes nasty jokes to everyone because ‘that’s how they are in his family’ and if anyone gets offended that’s their problem. It’s one thing to playfully call your friends nerds as terms of endearment, but he would pick out actual flaws that people were self conscious about. And then he wonders why no one likes him.” — 2Dfruity
“If they’re constantly the victim of bad relationships, whether it’s overly crazy exes or family/friends who’ve done them bad turns they are the common denominator but they don’t see it.” — Carensza
“Never taking responsibility for themselves, or always trying to make it some else’s fault. ‘That cop was an asshole, he gave me a ticket.’ When in fact you were speeding and being unsafe.” — jmccomas10